Author Topic: The Basic RPG  (Read 9523 times)

you literally uploaded a picture of two walls of red bricks and labeled it as a teaser...
It is a teaser but its of something im making that is already finished

Like a teaser is supposed to tease some new mechanic or feature and get people excited about your product. What you posted was the opposite of a teaser, it made like everyone absolutely not want to play your stuff. If you want people to be interested actually post something of quality or some interesting feature

My guess is you don't really have any cool feature or interesting content to showcase

look at the battletoads teaser its just a little gif

look at the battletoads teaser its just a little gif
we know what battletoads is though and we know who's making it

idk you and idek what you're making here.

Question, is this rpg gonna be lego universe styled where different themes of different worlds are clashing with each other like pirates, medieval, futuristic, or oriental or is it just straight up medieval stuff?
Keaton can you answer this please?

It is a teaser but its of something im making that is already finished
so something in your map includes 2 red brick walls and water.
now im actually curious

the ratio of quality to price is still infinitely higher in game like skryim. Like buying an awesome game for 60 dollars is worth it compared to playing a terribly uninspired stuffty rpg for free. That's the laughable part, it lacks any quality whatsoever. There are servers worth playing with actual thought out fun mechanics like base raiders or tournaments or even like tdms which have considerate quality given the budget but RPGs lack that entirely so the argument is moot
yo this is good bait n all but i'm not sure why you'd expect a game like blockland and its engine to provide anything worthwhile for rpgs asking for strong mechanics.....

Lol y’all getting mad at a little kid trying to build

yo this is good bait n all but i'm not sure why you'd expect a game like blockland and its engine to provide anything worthwhile for rpgs asking for strong mechanics.....

it's because he's full of stuff and trying to argue for the sake of it.... like always . .. . ...

or it's because he's played every RPG and knows what he's talking about! :o)

or it's because he's played every RPG and knows what he's talking about! :o)
He is a blockland expert....

Truth be told, i think you can do a lot more without the use of these complex systems. Now a huge rpg probably could never happen in a game like blockland, but this doesn't mean that people can't be creative with their limits. Heck, we even have some good mods for bots that make them interesting enough for entertainment and replay value, as well as weapons and armor.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 06:53:09 PM by cblock360 »

yo this is good bait n all but i'm not sure why you'd expect a game like blockland and its engine to provide anything worthwhile for rpgs asking for strong mechanics.....
if you disagree with my point you're implying that the blickland RPG standard is so low that you basically have to provide positive criticism out of sympathy. I'm a firm believer that you don't need a huge budget or team to introduce good mechanics into your game (factorio, vanilla ftl) but introducing bad mechanics and justifying it by your lack of resources and capital is unacceptable for every type of server or game. Im going to criticize every RPG server because apparently nobody can take a hint at all and keeps producing more and more terrible psuedo rpg servers. If you think my criticism is unwarranted or not allowed or deserves to be ignored then you're basically saying stuffty game mechanics are fine and people should ignore criticism and keep adding them into their stuff. Encouraging bad practices
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 07:42:58 PM by thegoodperry »

it's because he's full of stuff and trying to argue for the sake of it.... like always . .. . ...

or it's because he's played every RPG and knows what he's talking about! :o)
I don't like terrible games. Sue me ike

ill give him a chance. maybe hes clowning our asses and he is about to remake fallout new vegas

I don't like terrible games. Sue me ike

and again like always, provides useless 'criticism' and then doubles down on the defense if someone tells you to shove off

if you disagree with my point you're implying that the blickland RPG standard is so low that you basically have to provide positive criticism out of sympathy. I'm a firm believer that you don't need a huge budget or team to introduce good mechanics into your game (factorio, vanilla ftl) but introducing bad mechanics and justifying it by your lack of resources and capital is unacceptable for every type of server or game. Im going to criticize every RPG server because apparently nobody can take a hint at all and keeps producing more and more terrible psuedo rpg servers. If you think my criticism is unwarranted or not allowed or deserves to be ignored then you're basically saying stuffty game mechanics are fine and people should ignore criticism and keep adding them into their stuff. Encouraging bad practices
lol not saying i entirely disagree my dude but i think you're reading into this way more than i meant. blockland and co (engine) comes with crutches i've been frustrated with, especially taken into projects i've worked on for a few years. i could go on for days about the lackluster bot system that doesn't allow for anything neat like stealth mechanics or proper horror entities, combat systems severely restricted unless you start diving into client mods to free up controls/add pretty interface elements which splits up your server base or mess around with clunky workarounds, etc etc. the runescape formula is popular because that's the most logical approach any normal guy can find with what's available like vce and it's been like that for years. all the cool fancy rpg projects completely dropped off the face of the earth and nobody can use their scripts to improve it or work off of it. i was even thinking about trying to make a damn cool giant mech after considering getting into modding again until i remembered how weird and wonky the results would be. the frustration with limitations isn't an excuse but rather a complaint above anything. maybe that's just my vision of breaking the glass ceiling here but i think i've aimed a little too high for what this engine is worth