Author Topic: Toby Fox adds expansion to Undertale - Deltarune  (Read 10040 times)

In the name selection type GASTER and the game will close. Type Susie and it'll say its a coincidence. ass

In the name selection type GASTER and the game will close. Type Susie and it'll say its a coincidence. ass
it says its a coincidence if you input any name that isnt a character in the dark world


wtf the graphics are good now

what am I accepting to  happen to me from now on I don't wanna get raped by anybody other than drydess

people give undertale and anything to do with it all this stuff and just play it off as ironic but to be honest this stuff is really good, sucks to think the undertale fandom will be kicking again and is gonna forget up things again but this legitimately is a good game and i cant wait for a full release

people give undertale and anything to do with it all this stuff and just play it off as ironic but to be honest this stuff is really good, sucks to think the undertale fandom will be kicking again and is gonna forget up things again but this legitimately is a good game and i cant wait for a full release
tl;dr it good dont fukc it up

good game good music good everything, although it's undertale so it has a lifespan of 2 seconds before the internet does what it does best

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