Author Topic: badspot make v22  (Read 4944 times)

tony calm the forget down jesus christ

tony calm the forget down jesus christ

I'm just saying how long we gonna keep complaining about interiors and terrains.

When we have gamemodes, modter and static maps?

there is not static map for slopes and where else can u use the skis that isnt slopes dude

there is not static map for slopes and where else can u use the skis that isnt slopes dude


Some of my favorite memories were on the old terrains. Buying this game and coming into Bedroom for the first time was something else and really gave you a look into how awesome this concept could be before you even built a single thing.

Coming into a flat terrain with nothing on it, not so much.

I recall Badspot had said there were reasons behind the scenes that justified their removal though, so not entirely sure if its worth coming back. Honestly though, if the trade-off for better shaders were terrains, I would rather have terrains back. Not going to lie.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 12:40:43 PM by clone trooper55 »

Retail Blockland has had shadows and shaders 1 year longer than it had interiors and terrain.

this hit me like a truck

Load up a terrain generator and make a big ass modter generation.

That solves the lazy problem.

Honestly though, if the trade-off for better shaders were terrains, I would rather have terrains back. Not going to lie.

I certainly agree there with you.
I would prefer having some terrains to construct on/around instead of having to start from scratch every time I wanted to have fun in BL.
The Shaders, yeah they're decent. But it cost Blockland some of its soul to gain. Most of my fun was in the terrains, occasionally using flat ones to build larger structures.

If anything, I'd want V22 to have both.
Improved terrains, and the shaders.

Load up a terrain generator and make a big ass modter generation.

That solves the lazy problem.

Not everyone has a device capable of running the ModTer generator.
Yes I get what you're saying, Modter is good and all. But it doesn't have the same soul as the terrains we used to have.

Also, vehicles tend to have funky interactions with bricks, ModTer or not

Terrains and interiors usually worked far better

wtf is modter
Modter is basically a series of bricks designed to mimic terrain.

Modter is basically a series of bricks designed to mimic terrain.
^ this, thats why its called modter. it stands for Modular Terrain

Also, vehicles tend to have funky interactions with bricks, ModTer or not

Terrains and interiors usually worked far better

Because vehicles think they can go through bricks because bricks have collision points on multiple sides.

Not everyone has a device capable of running the ModTer generator.

If you don't have a device in 2018 that can't run a 14 year old game properly by now then I don't know what to tell you.

Chances are you wouldn't even be able to load a 20,000 brick build even.

Yes I get what you're saying, Modter is good and all. But it doesn't have the same soul as the terrains we used to have.

Actually I would say modter has more soul than terrain

Making terrain maps all I had to so is make some bumps or whatever, nothing special. I could whip out a stuffty terrain map in seconds. Also you couldn't make proper caves or anything like that.

But with modter I am able to place terrain brick by brick which allows  me to put in far greater detail.