Author Topic: No Piracy  (Read 221216 times)


Although I do believe they put more oxygen than what you find in the air. Having a bit more oxygen can help you work harder and longer. But too much free oxygen can help form free radicals, reactive ions, that will form reactions with your cells, destroying them in the process.

You suck at comebacks. End of story.

That wasn't a comeback in the sense you're thinking of.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 11:09:47 AM by Otis Da HousKat »

Although I do believe they put more oxygen than what you find in the air. Having a bit more oxygen can help you work harder and longer. But too much free oxygen can help form free radicals, reactive ions, that will form reactions with your cells, destroying them in the process.

Oxygen is already a Free-Radical, the problem is that they form clusters and destroy your cells 10x Faster.

Oxygen is already a Free-Radical, the problem is that they form clusters and destroy your cells 10x Faster.
Oh, whatever.

Your both wrong. When you have pure oxygen you can get a difference in pressure which upon resurfacing would kill you. This is known as the bends. You can use nitrogen but that will increase the risk after around 150 ft under the sea. That is why it is preferred to use Helium.

Your both wrong. When you have pure oxygen you can get a difference in pressure which upon resurfacing would kill you. This is known as the bends. You can use nitrogen but that will increase the risk after around 150 ft under the sea. That is why it is preferred to use Helium.
What? No, that's completely wrong.

The bends is caused from sudden pressure changes that cause gases(mainly nitrogen as it's ~70% of the atmosphere) to come out of your blood in bubbles.

Decompression sickness has nothing to do with oxygen poisoning.

What? No, that's completely wrong.
Your wrong. He made a simply correct post.

from wiki

Scuba divers and submariners also rely on artificially-delivered O2, but most often use normal pressure, and/or mixtures of oxygen and air. Pure or nearly pure O2 use in diving at higher-than-sea-level pressures is usually limited to rebreather, decompression, or emergency treatment use at relatively shallow depths (~ 6 meters depth, or less).[77][78] Deeper diving requires significant dilution of O2 with other gases, such as nitrogen or helium, to help prevent oxygen toxicity.[77]

Now back on topic


Your wrong. He made a simply correct post.
OK, tell me why he was correct and why I'm wrong.

I don't believe pressure has anything to do with how much oxygen there is compared to other gases, as all gases can be regulated.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 09:27:07 PM by Otis Da HousKat »

pirates be owned by ninjas and ninjas love twelve woman a days.