Author Topic: fuzztoast - toxic and annoying  (Read 7774 times)

im taking a big risk stepping in this forums, but i've already had enough.

i have no idea whos alt this is, but...
I dont care all that much what people think of me. Yes im a furry. Yes I want an attractive anthro wolf boyfriend. I just want to be held in a loving embrace by some soft strong fluffy arms. I dont mind if those sly paws creep down into my underwear and take them off-- thats all part of the fun! Also, imagine how comfy you would be while sleeping with him or cuddling him with all that soft luscious fur... And you wouldn't have to worry about cheating or anything because wolves mate for life. And you have an excuse to call your family a "pack" now awooo~. Even with all these reasons it still gets better! Imagine what it would be like to have someone who is almost fearless, smart, and always by your side--another quality of wolves. And I saved best for last: have you ever felt that your bf has a tiny richard? Well you wont have to worry about that here! A Wolfs Average Length is 8-9 inches and it can even be an entire foot long! And there is a knot at the base of it for added fun. And the bonus here is that all those 12 inches of pleasure are self lubricating which saves time and money!

why shut up NOOB! Wait never mind ur not a noob im sorry :(

this is his motto i guess?
Bloody cummy torn up boner


Its  LOVE DRAGON VORE [swear word] AND IM NOT A [swear word] ALTTTTTTT

MY poop hurts

Shoot up the school and pretend your are sans

i have no idea why you did this, it wasn't even funny, not for a second.
log out

We've got only minutes before fuzztoast comes in here

His profile has a link to e621

We've got only minutes before fuzztoast comes in here
and the whole thread goes to war

/support this guy's acting pretty stupid and crazy

he's got 69 posts now so hopefully he'll stop

It seems like everytime someone calls them out for being a furry or just riffs on them they has to make a post, come on gamers, its time to stop the furry plague before it spreads

man this guy [swear word] sucks


Another for the cringe comp

You should probably block this guy until further notice

This is the most obvious troll and you still fall for the bait

it's hopeless

This is the most obvious troll and you still fall for the bait

it's hopeless
*eats ass*