Author Topic: 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake 11 miles from Redgecrest, CA  (Read 2642 times)

Pro tip: don’t be taking a stuff when a quake hits. Last thing you need is a broken toilet.
it's california right? people don't usually stuff in toilets there anyways. /s

I'm from Los Angeles and I can confirm that my city was hit as well, it was a rolling Earthquake over here however. Though that in mind my mother had checked the news and the Seismologists at Caltech believe that we will be getting more earthquakes later on in the following days. Though I don't believe the Earthquakes will get stronger as they say they will.

P.S Other states around California has been hit with the recent Earthquake as well from I'm hearing.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 04:55:12 AM by gameboy19 »

california rlly b splitting off of the US mainland rn

me w/ family going to mcdonalds on July 5th 2019

smh shoulda passed earthwuake control laws bro

me w/ family going to mcdonalds on July 5th 2019

forget i LAFFED

dad can I get some fries

Mc Donald's does's cancer.
smh shoulda passed earthwuake control laws bro
It got stuck in the Senate.

damn liberals refusing to pass anti-earthquake laws cause "what about the earth's rights"

earthquakes are people too

bitch im in vegas and i felt that stuff for a whole 10 seconds the big one is coming
brooo i was on my computer when it happened and my chair started shaking while i was sitting on it, i was like wtf are my neighbors having the roughest love ever or something

brooo i was on my computer when it happened and my chair started shaking while i was sitting on it, i was like wtf are my neighbors having the roughest love ever or something
yeah I was

brooo i was on my computer when it happened and my chair started shaking while i was sitting on it, i was like wtf are my neighbors having the roughest love ever or something
dude i was on facetime playing overwatch with a friend and he kept saying "oh stuff" and "earthquake pt2????" and i was so confused until it finally loving hit me and i was like OH stuff

Sleep should have stopped with the pride month thread. Now Cali will pay the price.