Author Topic: 8chan Federalizes, Becomes Immortal  (Read 14218 times)

no i think anyone right of alt-right is forgeted, which nobody will lose sleep over except other alt rights

And there it is, the circular handicap logic.
who's alt-right?

Fringe Conservatives?

The answer is, anyone who the media, antifa, leftists, or the democrats determine to be Alt-Right is.

Pepe is Alt-right
Okay hand gestures are Alt-Right.
Clown Emojis and World Emojis positioned together are alt-right.
Pro gun stances are Alt-Right
Everything is loving Alt-Right.

You loving handicaps sit here and label everything Alt-Right and then try to scare people off by telling them "if they defend this, then they're Alt-Right too."

Sorry, you're fascistic mentalities of enforcing obedience through fear are not going to work on me.

And there it is, the circular handicap logic.
who's alt-right?

Fringe Conservatives?

The answer is, anyone who the media, antifa, leftists, or the democrats determine to be Alt-Right is.

Pepe is Alt-right
Okay hand gestures are Alt-Right.
Clown Emojis and World Emojis positioned together are alt-right.
Pro gun stances are Alt-Right
Everything is loving Alt-Right.

You loving handicaps sit here and label everything Alt-Right and then try to scare people off by telling them "if they defend this, then they're Alt-Right too."

Sorry, you're fascistic mentalities of enforcing obedience through fear are not going to work on me.
why do you act like you know how the world works when you act like a sheltered autist all the time?

And there it is, the circular handicap logic.
who's alt-right?

Fringe Conservatives?

The answer is, anyone who the media, antifa, leftists, or the democrats determine to be Alt-Right is.

Pepe is Alt-right
Okay hand gestures are Alt-Right.
Clown Emojis and World Emojis positioned together are alt-right.
Pro gun stances are Alt-Right
Everything is loving Alt-Right.

You loving handicaps sit here and label everything Alt-Right and then try to scare people off by telling them "if they defend this, then they're Alt-Right too."

Sorry, you're fascistic mentalities of enforcing obedience through fear are not going to work on me.
you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. what we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.

*smokes blunt* hmhm yeah I don't care about those liberals or those republicants im busy living off in me cabin in the middle of no where getting all my resources on my own hiding behind 20 vpns and a decades worth of rations with 80 unlicensed guns.. hmm ayup forget em ima chill here eyup *cracks can of ginger ale and chugs it*

- me the big brain in a few years

master matthew the small pea brain  worrying about the internet when we can just read books instead forget the internet man

you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. what we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.
that reference is 👌

why do you act like you know how the world works when you act like a sheltered autist all the time?

You're the one who doesn't understand how the world works.
You've stopped paying attention, or more than likely you've turned a blind eye to reality.

I once believed Evil and Good were ethereal concepts that could only be applied to actions, not people.
Amazing that I was so naive.

There are those who seek to harm others to enforce their superiority, whether for personal social gain, or just to fulfill an urge. I've seen it first hand
Holding power over someone else.
"Don't do this or you're a tribal/loveist/family man/transphobe/xenophobe/alt-right/bigot, and if you're a tribal/loveist/family man/transphobe/xenophobe/alt-right/bigot your life is over."

The truth is, these actions are the actions of an evil person, not just an evil person, but a chaotically evil person.
Emotional blackmail like this won't work on me any-longer.

But yet again, now that I no longer bend down and suck your richard to these demands, the best you can do is to try and discredit me by telling me that I'm the one who's out of touch,
I'm the one who needs to go outside.

You're the one who doesn't understand how the world works.
You've stopped paying attention, or more than likely you've turned a blind eye to reality.


You're the one who doesn't understand how the world works.
You've stopped paying attention, or more than likely you've turned a blind eye to reality.

I once believed Evil and Good were ethereal concepts that could only be applied to actions, not people.
Amazing that I was so naive.

There are those who seek to harm others to enforce their superiority, whether for personal social gain, or just to fulfill an urge. I've seen it first hand
Holding power over someone else.
"Don't do this or you're a tribal/loveist/family man/transphobe/xenophobe/alt-right/bigot, and if you're a tribal/loveist/family man/transphobe/xenophobe/alt-right/bigot your life is over."

The truth is, these actions are the actions of an evil person, not just an evil person, but a chaotically evil person.
Emotional blackmail like this won't work on me any-longer.

But yet again, now that I no longer bend down and suck your richard to these demands, the best you can do is to try and discredit me by telling me that I'm the one who's out of touch,
I'm the one who needs to go outside.

this is the most virgin post ive ever read

you... kinda do. you’re clearly way too invested in online stuff that you probably should go outside and find something more productive to do, like expanding your skillset and making connections. then maybe your words can have an impact, and you’ll be in a good spot if stuff hits the fan for conservatives, for whatever reason.

as it stands you’re doing the “old man yells at cloud” thing when you aren't even past 25

you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. what we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.
This is EA levels of bullstuff.

"Create Context" my ass. How is throwing a site into an abyss and watching it vanish into the void, 'Creating Context'?

Next you're going to tell me that getting Shadow Banned is just "Rewarding Users".

Mathew and Ike need to have a voice chat dual out, I can stream the audio

master matthew dont loving lie also you never sucked my richard, i have photographic cum memory

This is EA levels of bullstuff.

"Create Context" my ass. How is throwing a site into an abyss and watching it vanish into the void, 'Creating Context'?

Next you're going to tell me that getting Shadow Banned is just "Rewarding Users".
the digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths. just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you. billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans. rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims. although there are people suffering in poverty, huge donations are made to protect endangered species. everyone grows up being told the same thing, "be nice to other people... but beat out the competition!" "you're special! believe in yourself and you will succeed." but it's obvious from the start that only a few can succeed.

Next you're going to tell me that getting Shadow Banned is just "Rewarding Users".

rewarding users with the comforting canopy of darkness is a necessary thing at times...