Author Topic: Jayce- Rampant Bullying and Racism  (Read 8252 times)

how is electrk arrogant..................... ...................... if youre going to accuse somebody of something repeatedly and then repeatedly not give proof in your favor then youre just talking out your ass at this point

lol you just had to get one last dig in while also trying to cover your ass didn't you? couldn't have just let it be
Ok you know what I can already see where this is going to go and as of this point I’m finished with this.  I’ve clearly dug myself into a trench and if I don’t stop I’m just going to make matters worse.   I am clearly in the wrong.  I’ve been dealing with some IRL stuff recently and to be honest, I think made this whole grudge against you up  to cope with the stuff that’s been going on.  I didn’t mean to personally attacking you or offend you and if I did I apologize.  I would be happy to talk to you on discord if you want to sort this out further.  Call this pathetic/stupid but it’s the truth. 
Good lord I’ve turned into Boogie2988 but on the forums instead of Twitter.

it's not pathetic or stupid to have things that happen in your life affect other aspects of it, or to respond to pressures in unhealthy ways. I think everyone has done so at some point in their life - I know I have many times. but it's important to learn from it and try to cultivate better habits of coping. it takes a lot of guts to admit you're wrong and I appreciate you doing so - I accept your apology. I don't have any ill will toward you and I'm sorry you're going through whatever you're going through at the moment.

it's not pathetic or stupid to have things that happen in your life affect other aspects of it, or to respond to pressures in unhealthy ways. I think everyone has done so at some point in their life - I know I have many times. but it's important to learn from it and try to cultivate better habits of coping. it takes a lot of guts to admit you're wrong and I appreciate you doing so - I accept your apology. I don't have any ill will toward you and I'm sorry you're going through whatever you're going through at the moment.

Wow....... he seid sorry and now your makintg fun of his life way to be a big brain starfish bro lol

Wow....... he seid sorry and now your makintg fun of his life way to be a big brain starfish bro lol
Shut the forget up and reread what Electrk said in that post.

Shut the forget up and reread what Electrk said in that post.
considering the misspell of seid i think he just didnt channel enough irony and sarcasm into the post to clarify hes not actually serious

considering the misspell of seid i think he just didnt channel enough irony and sarcasm into the post to clarify hes not actually serious
Squib has and always will be a piece of stuff for every chance he gets.

rember when this thred was about jayce :