Author Topic: update regarding abusive household  (Read 6856 times)

tl:dr things have gotten much worse. i will explain
over the span of, like, only 2 months things just suddenly decided to go downhill as hard as possible. ironic because things were starting to feel better but now i legitimately dont feel safe in my own house anymore.

recently in my GED class i had a mental breakdown, coming clean to my teacher about my abusive father. his first instinct is to call the cops so they can get me baker acted. that place was loving horrible; the nurses there were massive starfishs, the food was probably poisoned and i thank my loving lucky stars that i was able to get out early because of my autism. (bitches wonder why the #1 killer of men is Self Delete like this country doesn't treat the emotionally abused like loving animals)

my grandma's cancer acted up and now she can no longer walk without aid. this is important.

the day after i got released from the baker act i had to go to the technical college to see if i could get back in. on the car ride there my dad suddenly got extremely hostile and started berating me, threatening me and all that stuff. we got there, and the person there was just trying to get me to take an online class that sounded extremely complicated and from my experience, i know online classes go absolutely nowhere. i had another mental breakdown which led to my dad coming in, where he took me out and proceeded to yell at me HARDER on the way back, even going as far as to drive like a loving lunatic in an attempt to intimidate me, taking extremely sharp turns and skidding off of the road (i felt the car going on 2 wheels sometimes). he then proceeded to brag about what he did to the rest of my family before getting wasted in my fort/shed (i know he got wasted because he didnt even throw away the bottles)

the next morning he 'apologized', sending me a paragraph about some stuff i forget. keep this in mind.

next week, i finally see a counsellor. skinny old lady who basically just tried conditioning me into bending over for dad because dad tried demonizing me, telling her about how i literally never get out of my room (which is a lie). fun fact he actually admitted that he called me a fatass in that session, i find it funny how the counsellor didnt even flinch as he admitted to it lol

next week i go there again. new counsellor because the old lady decided to refer me to someone more specialized with autism. nicest loving woman. the first session im admittedly way too shaken and scared to come clean about what my dad does to me so i vaguely imply that he makes me feel unsafe. she's confused but she understanded my fears (she knew that i was keeping quiet because i was scared dad was eavesdropping on us)

after that session i admittedly had a really really good week. had fun with my online friends, had one of my irl friends come over to visit and we had a BLAST. next session i go there again and we talk. i got sidetracked alot but she convinced me into talking about dad. she doesnt know the whole story but she does know that he has no idea what he's doing regarding looking after a mentally challenged son (me) and that there might be problems in the household

literally the day after my dad decides to barge into my room just to berate me. nothing instigated it, he just decided to do it out of complete random just to call me useless.

the next day, the exact same thing happened. almost around the same time too.

the days leading up to this sunday were uneventful.

this sunday i went to my friends' house. we had fun but i got angry at them a bit, and i talked to them regarding me moving in in the future. i forgot what we said. anyways, i went home, and lo and behold dad was in my stepmom's car waiting for me.

he then proceeded to scream at me, basically saying that everything happening to gran was my fault and that the moment she dies he's putting me up for adoption/kicking me out/whatever. in that car, he admitted he hated me. he actually got so into it that he almost made my stepmom pull over (probably so he could hit me but he didnt, unfortunately (if i had visible marks itd be much easier to get him out)) and my stepmom, who is normally his yesman, actually tried convincing him to stop

next day he barged in because i was talking to my friend online to tell me to shut up. i am basically no longer allowed to even CALL my friends.

next day he got on me again for something i dont remember

and now today. ive been helping my grandma do stuff due to her having to use a walker, and she decided to do the laundry. she calls me out to help.

dad starts screaming at her, and then he starts screaming at ME. for LITERALLY NO REASON.

i recorded this whole thing. im not uploading it for the sake of privacy but he said he hated me so now i have that on film atleast! i now have evidence that he has never loved me in case i need it. he also stuff talked me behind my back to my grandma about how useless i was

and just a few minutes ago i try to go do the dishes. he actually loving stops me. for no reason.


so.... help? can i get, like, a restraining order? i dont wanna go into foster care those guys loving blow

a funny thing i've noticed is my dad almost exclusively drives in my grandpa's old truck. its ironic, given he now resents that man and also because my grandpa was the only one strong enough to keep my dad from having his way with me. its like god himself is tryna destroy me as ironically and comedically as possible

also today he made me pick up a dead, desiccated lizard on the lawn and throw it in the woods, barehanded. im almost certain this was a threat because im a reptile guy and he asked me to do it in the most cold, dead-serious tone he could possibly muster

can i please come to your house and beat up your dad

can i please come to your house and beat up your dad

this is legitimately disheartening. no one should have to go through this.
really hope you make it through this, i am sending good vibes your way.
the last thing nix's dad sees
lets assemble the entire forum to beat up nix's dad, all while yelling "bazinga"

Alright guys, let's all meet up tonight and beat up Nix's dad.

He can't take on all of us at once

the most toxic masculine men are the hugest pussies. one day once you grow mentally you will realize this and will sucker punch your dad mentally and maybe physically

Can't really leave your house with corona

Can't really leave your house with corona
that's it! we infect his dad!!!!!