Author Topic: things you regret doing on blockland  (Read 25402 times)

Giving Badspot not only one game purchase, but two. forget that guy.
I said, forget THAT GUY...

getting my key at age 10
making several stuffty builds and then passing them off like some magnum opus tier stuff (e.g. my "airplanes" and my jail escapes and that one spongebob deathmatch where i just fillcanned all of afghan dm into yellow). i am still bad at actually designing anything in blockland to this day

also making forum threads for above things, generally taking them super seriously and being utterly incapable of accepting any criticism/jokes
also just generally being annoying and unfunny which led to at least one server ban
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 01:36:56 PM by Mr Queeba »

i stuff my pants at a very young age

everything absolutely EVERYTHING


yer mom haha  :cookieMonster: goteem

honestly I regret not making a bigger splash in this community. it's as if I got to be a part of this really exclusive club that I could have participated in more; I just didn't. hell I didn't make a forum account until January of 2018 yet I've owned this key since I was 9 years old, purchased in July of 07'   I was always so hesitant in my early to late teens to put myself out there and god forbid look like an idiot on the internet, I shouldn't have let that possibility keep me from building a little reputation/personality around here. almost every member has a bit of a legacy, good or bad it seems like even the idiots have matured and are currently respectable members with a rich history, so I probably wouldn't have been much different.

regardless Blockland is by far my favorite game and has had a huge impact on me as a person, I've met some great friends that I've known for more than half my life at this point. even in it's derelict state I still peruse the server list, hoping to see some old faces or interesting builds. I'll browse the forums every day out of habit, reflect on my younger self and the good old days.

 I've got love and respect for anyone who has played Blockland. we're all part of an exclusive club of people that found a pretty obscure game, with an interesting community.

honestly I regret not making a bigger splash in this community. it's as if I got to be a part of this really exclusive club that I could have participated in more; I just didn't. hell I didn't make a forum account until January of 2018 yet I've owned this key since I was 9 years old, purchased in July of 07'   I was always so hesitant in my early to late teens to put myself out there and god forbid look like an idiot on the internet, I shouldn't have let that possibility keep me from building a little reputation/personality around here. almost every member has a bit of a legacy, good or bad it seems like even the idiots have matured and are currently respectable members with a rich history, so I probably wouldn't have been much different.
definitely was the same way. if only we had a time machine...

Saying yano
ANYTHING on the forums before like, maybe a few months ago

working with Furdle on Wink's City RPG

Not saving the two ship version of Wizard's SS Dogfight.

Around 2012 I was 15 years old and it's where I started to become more "well known" in the community, thanks to the videos I made and the vehicles I started making on the same year, but that sadly got over my head, I became arrogant, immature and self centered. I coudn't take critcism without thinking it's jealously, as result I got two drama topics back then and rightfully so and as a result I lost a few friends because of my behaviour.

But thankfully over the years as I grew older, I like to believe that I managed to be more mature, until I eventually apologized for my actions and managed to recover some of my old friendships back, atleast from the people who still stuck around in the community.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 08:33:00 PM by Filipe »

Didn't make more Add-Ons in a timely manner nor did I build as much as I wished I did.

playing blockland at a VERY young age

not saving all the blockparties i built big ass bell towers on i miss them stuffs