Author Topic: what is the best game mode you have played but isin't hosted anymore  (Read 11905 times)

honestly i'd like to say martial law, but there was this game that was hosted I think maybe ONE time, that was the same premise, but there were 4 teams, or rather "families" , and it took place in a desert. there was a fuel system, prop building, and a camp on the top of a broken highway stretch. i've been trying MERCILESSLY to rebuild/reimagine it but I just can't get it DOWN
sounds like stikfas's wasteland minus the teams

Conan's jail

Conan's farming (Ik its probably getting updates but it hasn't been hosted for a while)

Heeditalking Pirate RPG
Spade arcade
Kong Death cube & Death race
Attack on Titan

that one deathmatch server with swollow's melee weapons

That's supposed to be my gamemode, but having a italian internet am unable to host it so i often search for someone to host it for me

sounds like stikfas's wasteland minus the teams
i wouldn't know unless it was in front of me sadly
Heeditalking Pirate RPG
Spade arcade
Kong Death cube & Death race
Attack on Titan

That's supposed to be my gamemode, but having a italian internet am unable to host it so i often search for someone to host it for me
go back to your weird italian hole

i wouldn't know unless it was in front of me sadly
here are the only good pictures of it i could find

« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 02:22:32 PM by Bing2 »

the one where you bounce laser beams off cubes and got points based on coob count

also boss battles and that slope tdm
probably forgetting some, it's been awhile since i've played

That's supposed to be my gamemode, but having a italian internet am unable to host it so i often search for someone to host it for me
are you sure hes not talking about the gamemode that i made the weapons for lol?

Mr. Wallets Rise of Blockland

-Army Unit's Bug vs MAS
(just package this stuff and let us have it army >:[ )