Author Topic: 150 year old civil war monument in florida is getting torn down today/tomorrow  (Read 1030 times)

so my family and i took a trip down to st. augustine (for those who don't know it's a very historical city in florida) to get some food and ice cream and stuff, and apparently this influential muslim got loving pissed at a 150-year old monument that's like 5 miles away from where he lives, long story short the city governor caved in even tho 85% of people voted to keep the monument up

anyways nothing can be done about it now, its forgeted
course it's confederate. shouldn't have expected any thread by you to have any thought behind it.

whats the name of it
it's unnamed but it's the oldest monument in florida

it honors the lives of those who fought in the civil war

but what else will commemorate my great great grand pappy who owned other human beings and felt compelled to die for his right to
course it's confederate. shouldn't have expected any thread by you to have any thought behind it.
so? it's still history being removed. should we not teach kids about ww 2 because Riddler was in it? or burn any book referencing the cold war? those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

but what else will commemorate my great great grand pappy who owned other human beings and felt compelled to die for his right to
holy stuff man, people still died, how would you feel if someone smashed your grandfathers tombstone

holy stuff man, people still died, how would you feel if someone smashed your grandfathers tombstone

Way down south in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and Alligators,

so? it's still history being removed. should we not teach kids about ww 2 because Riddler was in it? or burn any book referencing the cold war? those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
taking down a statue != not teaching kids about it

u think they should have kept the statues to Riddler in germany?

what does the statue smells like though

was this the work of florida man

put them in museums there's no reason they should be up in the first place loving traitors.