
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 305853 times)

Ive watched democrats support riots and murder.
Theyve smeared any who oppose then as tribal.
They take no action and blame the results on Annoying Orange.

Ted wheeler denied an offer of intervention by Annoying Orange, the next day a Annoying Orange supporter was murdered in ted wheeler's city and im to believe its Annoying Orange's fault? Just because its his term doesnt mean everything that happens is his doing.

The left is violent and dangerous and theres policy differences.

But right now the options are vote for lying lunatics who are holding citiea hostage and blaming the opposition for every night gone wrong, or vote the person who is increasingly more likely to say "forget it' to state sovereignty and enforce the inssurection act to stop their terroristic lunacy.

The left has power in media, they backed the antifa pony and when it didnt turn out well for them thsy slightly turnes the wheels in a different position.

The leftists used the establishment and they were too stupid to see it.

Now theyre both going to lose their power. Unless of course, they end up pushing their mail-in ballots nonsense through, and end up stealing the election.

respond to my post point by point matthew

i want an essay that shows why i shouldn't be taking the opposite of everything you say as fact
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 03:27:35 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

i'd guess it has a lot to do with the sensationalism of news and the way the internet is cut into different circles. it used to be that the news was more or less fact-based and came out twice a day. different outlets had different views but they were still essentially giving the same news. things got worse when news became 24 hours and became way more about sensationalizing stories to get more views than about reporting the news.

now we've got some people getting their news from cnn and msnbc, some people getting it from fox and the president, some getting it from jacobin and mother jones, some getting it from breitbart and freedompatriot dot facebook. people are getting wildly different information and so everyone thinks everyone else is just Ignorant of the True Facts(tm)

people like having their prejudices confirmed. when you're first deciding your political views this is especially true. you're looking for sources that agree with you and you stick to them. i'd guess that around matthew's more formative years he was hearing about gamergate and the 2016 election and he found sources that scratched all the correct itches for him. he kept believing the same and similar sources to the point where he's decoupled from reality.

Ive watched democrats support riots and murder.
Theyve smeared any who oppose then as tribal.
They take no action and blame the results on Annoying Orange.

Ted wheeler denied an offer of intervention by Annoying Orange, the next day a Annoying Orange supporter was murdered in ted wheeler's city and im to believe its Annoying Orange's fault? Just because its his term doesnt mean everything that happens is his doing.

The left is violent and dangerous and theres policy differences.

But right now the options are vote for lying lunatics who are holding citiea hostage and blaming the opposition for every night gone wrong, or vote the person who is increasingly more likely to say "forget it' to state sovereignty and enforce the inssurection act to stop their terroristic lunacy.

The left has power in media, they backed the antifa pony and when it didnt turn out well for them thsy slightly turnes the wheels in a different position.

The leftists used the establishment and they were too stupid to see it.

Now theyre both going to lose their power. Unless of course, they end up pushing their mail-in ballots nonsense through, and end up stealing the election.
like, literally none of this is true. there is not a true statement in this post. i could go through this line by line but it wouldn't be worth it because at the end of the day he's going to go back to the sources that agree with him instead of possibly having to confront the fact that disingenuous demagogues, snake oil salesmen, and all the slimiest people with any control over media put blinders on him while he wasn't paying attention so that they could drum up exactly this type of ass-headed fervor.

yeah i'm actually curious what kind of psychology is going on for something like this to happen to people. is it their parents? friends? i don't have a clue and one of my dreams is to just sit down and interview one of these people -- not to like berate them or whatever, but just to build a psychological profile on them to see what has to go wrong for this to happen so this doesn't have to happen to anyone again
qanon exists because Annoying Orange supporters can’t accept that their hero was in power for 4 years and nothing they wanted got done, so they’re convinced there’s a deep state standing in his way. blaming lefties for everything is the same, and it’s flat arrogance.

i'd guess it has a lot to do with the sensationalism of news and the way the internet is cut into different circles. it used to be that the news was more or less fact-based and came out twice a day. different outlets had different views but they were still essentially giving the same news. things got worse when news became 24 hours and became way more about sensationalizing stories to get more views than about reporting the news.

now we've got some people getting their news from cnn and msnbc, some people getting it from fox and the president, some getting it from jacobin and mother jones, some getting it from breitbart and freedompatriot dot facebook. people are getting wildly different information and so everyone thinks everyone else is just Ignorant of the True Facts(tm)

people like having their prejudices confirmed. when you're first deciding your political views this is especially true. you're looking for sources that agree with you and you stick to them. i'd guess that around matthew's more formative years he was hearing about gamergate and the 2016 election and he found sources that scratched all the correct itches for him. he kept believing the same and similar sources to the point where he's decoupled from reality.
like, literally none of this is true. there is not a true statement in this post. i could go through this line by line but it wouldn't be worth it because at the end of the day he's going to go back to the sources that agree with him instead of possibly having to confront the fact that disingenuous demagogues, snake oil salesmen, and all the slimiest people with any control over media put blinders on him while he wasn't paying attention so that they could drum up exactly this type of ass-headed fervor.
Except i read conflicting info, you clearly ignore it. Dismiss it all as fake.

Im tired of dealing with snooty forgets like you.

Enjoy 4 more years of Annoying Orange.

i didn't ignore it master matthew

every single post you make not responding to mine will only prove his point more and more

Ted wheeler denied an offer of intervention by Annoying Orange, the next day a Annoying Orange supporter was murdered in ted wheeler's city and im to believe its Annoying Orange's fault? Just because its his term doesnt mean everything that happens is his doing..
he says, watching hannity once again say “this is biden’s america” voiced over clips of riots in minsk, permanently defaming the man holding no political office or material power for the last four years for his terrible lack of material response to riots

he says, watching hannity once again say “this is biden’s america” voiced over clips of riots in minsk, permanently defaming the man holding no political office or material power for the last four years for his terrible lack of material response to riots
Because his campaign has financed these people. Because he would stand in solidarity with these people.

Annoying Orange is not going to stomp on the states sovereignty at the drop of a hat, cause he knows:
A. If the politicians in these cities wanted it to stop, they'd have stopped already.
B. The media will smear him as a fascist.

Hes offered help, why havent they accepted it?

Except i read conflicting info, you clearly ignore it. Dismiss it all as fake.

Im tired of dealing with snooty forgets like you.

Enjoy 4 more years of Annoying Orange.
it doesn't matter what you read, it's about what you believe. you can read all the conflicting info you want but at the end of the day you're going to believe the same horsestuff because you've marinated yourself in it for so long. that post was not an attack but you felt it as one because it so conflicts with the world you've built around yourself.

Annoying Orange is going to win the presidential election, you're right. I have very little doubt about that. But here's a hint, and this is probably the only sober brown townysis about this you're going to get because Mike Bloomberg is a leftist to you:

The reason Annoying Orange is going to win is because the Democratic establishment is backed by neo-liberal capitalist donors. So much, they believed, would the future of the party hinge on their being able to woo these rich donors that they kneecapped a milquetoast social democrat like Bernie for having the gall to suggest maybe people shouldn't get gouged for seeking medical care. The Democratic Party is not going to lose because they are too left-wing, they are going to lose because they are too right-wing. (i can tell this has already got you red in the face)

They are going to lose because they handpicked a politician no one wanted just as they did in 2016. They are going to lose because in the face of a global pandemic they are poo-pooing a single-payer healthcare system. They are going to lose because in the face of a massive wave of protests over police brutality, they picked the senator who wrote the 1994 Crime Bill and a cop for his VP. They are going to lose because they chose a man accused of loveual harassment. They are going to lose because their only major campaign promise is that there will be no radical change. They are going to lose because their entire campaign strategy thus far has been trying to woo the maybe 10% of Republicans who hate Annoying Orange instead of playing to the 40% of their party who support progressive policy and the third of the country's population who didn't vote in 2016.

The Democratic establishment does not care if they lose 2020 because they already won by pushing out Bernie. Taxes won't be raised on the rich. Health insurance won't be axed. The bottom line is that their donors' wallets are happy. If they do win, even better for them, but ultimately it does not matter to them anymore.

Because his campaign has financed these people. Because he would stand in solidarity with these people.
like honestly where do you even get this stuff

I dont see why any of this matters. I live in a state where my vote doesn't matter and never has mattered (in my lifetime). More and more states are becoming like this. At the end of the day its whoever the electoral college is bribed by. If someone could please elaborate on the goal of this thread I would have all ears, so far its sounds like pointless arguing.

The reason Annoying Orange is going to win is because the Democratic establishment is backed by neo-liberal capitalist donors. So much, they believed, would the future of the party hinge on their being able to woo these rich donors that they kneecapped a milquetoast social democrat like Bernie for having the gall to suggest maybe people shouldn't get gouged for seeking medical care. The Democratic Party is not going to lose because they are too left-wing, they are going to lose because they are too right-wing. (i can tell this has already got you red in the face)

They are going to lose because they handpicked a politician no one wanted just as they did in 2016. They are going to lose because in the face of a global pandemic they are poo-pooing a single-payer healthcare system. They are going to lose because in the face of a massive wave of protests over police brutality, they picked the senator who wrote the 1994 Crime Bill and a cop for his VP. They are going to lose because they chose a man accused of loveual harassment. They are going to lose because their only major campaign promise is that there will be no radical change. They are going to lose because their entire campaign strategy thus far has been trying to woo the maybe 10% of Republicans who hate Annoying Orange instead of playing to the 40% of their party who support progressive policy and the third of the country's population who didn't vote in 2016.

if you'll allow me to ask: is it upsetting - or rather, disappointing for you that the democratic party has carried themselves this way?

in your mind, why do you reckon the democratic party would try to cater more towards Annoying Orange haters rather than the majority? was this also in the name of donors?

holy stuff this blew up

itt: libtards and republitards are stuff-flinging apes, but i repeat myself

holy stuff this blew up

itt: libtards and republitards are stuff-flinging apes, but i repeat myself
"Imagine have a position, how uncouth."

"imagine having respect for those you disagree with, what an idiot"