
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276255 times)

lmao at the republicans panicking that they might get a president that is slightly left of george bush

when these mfs scream and moan "ohhhhhhh it gonna be a socialist america in 4 years :((((((((" nothing is gonna change, the government will get more power and the rich will get more money just like you want, it's just gonna be a little slower and with less obvious racism. when you make me imagine democrats actually pushing leftwards change you only make my peepeee hard

master matthew when his AP Government classmate (10th grade) says that black votes should count for more than 3/5ths of a white man's

Pennsylvania poll workers when they find a ballot for Annoying Orange

lmao at the republicans panicking that they might get a president that is slightly left of george bush

when these mfs scream and moan "ohhhhhhh it gonna be a socialist america in 4 years :((((((((" nothing is gonna change, the government will get more power and the rich will get more money just like you want, it's just gonna be a little slower and with less obvious racism. when you make me imagine democrats actually pushing leftwards change you only make my peepeee hard


Bernie Sanders would literally be considered a centrist in many other advanced countries lmao.

Advanced? Yeah watch me advance my rooster out of my pants, buddy.

The order ballots were counted in is Early Voting > In person > Mail In

Now which side discouraged mail in voting and which side encouraged it?

Literally every single piece of evidence for this being rigged is grasping at straws from far right sources. The closest is the glitch which definitely should be investigated to ensure no other locations experienced the same glitch, but this glitch also could have added to Annoying Orange's count unfairly as well remember.
Except both times it was Annoying Orange to biden.

There is yet to be any evidence of a similar """"Glitch"""" going in favor of Annoying Orange.

Dominion, the system used for counting these votes in the regions where the glitch was reported, is in use in every swing state that flipped blue.


What do you do when you're not posting about politics on the Blockland forums?

When you're not posting about politics do they keep you in a little box? Cells.

In a month when the Electoral College comes up with a Biden presidency is Matthew just going to explode or what?

Bernie Sanders would literally be considered a centrist in many other advanced countries lmao.
Bernie would probably be liberal party here in Canada, and considering that's our centrist party (our left party the NDP has never had federal power) i'd say that's pretty accurate

Inb4 family member of whistleblower ends up Self Deleted via bullet in back of head ;_;

[im ]https://i.imgur.com/djA6Z1P.png[/img]
[im ]https://i.imgur.com/OydzHUY.png[/img]
USPS Investigated itself, and after hours of "Investigation" found it did nothing wrong.
Also the Whistleblower Recanted, how 'bout that!

Seems like a major conflict of interest.

Inb4 family member of whistleblower ends up Self Deleted via bullet in back of head ;_;


Is there anything in your body that wants to resist posting politics on the Blockland forums? Cells.