
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276950 times)

Aparrently you haven't seen his streams either. He has said multiple times that "healthy people don't need to get the vaccine". That is harmful since it reduces the amount of people vaccinated and increases the threat to people who either cannot take the vaccine or have health/immune compromising conditions. Rogan has also pushed the "alternatives" like ivermectin, which discourages people from taking the vaccine.

The questions themselves wouldn't be harmful, but the guests then commonly proceed to bring misinformation to the discussion. The reason why this has to be so harshly judged is that Rogan's following is huge and what he says affects them.

I don't doubt that you trust peer-reviewed studies and PhDs on the vaccine issue, but the problem is that Rogan doesn't and he doesn't just invite the professionals on his show to talk about the vaccine. You might trust the official sources, but many of Rogan's followers wont.

The Wikipedia article on Russian interference describes what happened. I don't know if you agree with what the article says on the matter, but if CNN misrepresented this information then please show me.

The Russian influence did not make the election illegimate since they never affected the voting process directly.
What do you mean with media companies determining what information can be taken into consideration?

The Russian collusion

I don't know what statements you specifically mean on the Kyle Rittenhouse coverage, but we don't have to go there since it might get muddled with what was known at the time, when each statement was made, etc.

One image doesn't mean anything, stats please.

CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, are not good, but they're more accurate than Fox news.

Idk what else to argue about the national TV, so I'll leave it.

Bringing people on who ""Question the Science""
Because #TheScienceisSettled and therefore cannot be questioned, sayeth so...
Fauci...?  CNN? Someone apparently, because there's some unspoken belief that
The science now is the unquestionable truth, and therefore must always be.

And anyone who questions this, or people who allow such people to exist on a platform, are
somehow spreading misinformation, when science is all about having an adult discussion involving.

The first step in the SCIENTIFIC METHOD is asking a loving question.
Where in the forget is this coming from? I never made a claim that he wasn't. My point was that
his podcast was a simple basic inquisitive interviewing format. That's inherently political.

But despite that, his show has more substance and actual conversations than good o'l two scoops.
No, but they're the main ones when people thing TV Media. MSNBC and ABC have had their fair share of ridiculous
reports as well, but CNN and Fox are the relevant parties because of their historical polarization and two scoops.
Its mounted over the course of several, several years, as they've been wrong, many times over.

Like Russia Gate, Like with Covington, Like with Kyle Rittenhouse, Like with "Mostly Peaceful Protests"...

This has been going, and on, and on. This broadcast, right here, being the same exact story, 4ish years apart is exactly what the problem is.

These are fake plastic companies, regurgitating fake plastic talking points that help no one and make everything worse.
Why are you being deliberately misrepresentative of my arguments?
actually the first step in the scientific method is observing a problem but it’s funny you and everyone else missed that part

Depends on where you live.
no it really just depends if you’re poor or not

no it really just depends if you’re poor or not
ehhh id say it depends if you're either fat or old

People with large platforms need to be responsible with the information they spread. Joe Rogan, whether or not he knows it, has a lot of influence over his audience. What he says and who he hosts matters. Pushing antivaxx misinformation is harmful, especially during a pandemic.

The truth in the case of vaccines is determined by the scientific consensus. The large media companies give much more reliable information about the vaccines than Joe Rogan. Also, the quests in JRE are absolutely not "questioning the scientific consensus". If you want to do that, you have to perform studies, not spew bullstuff on massive social media platforms.

The question about politics in Rogan's community was unnecessary, I misread a part of your post.

The question about CNN was to figure out if you completely disregard a news source because it made a few articles or broadcasts that you didn't like. Do you consider all their information garbage because of it? Also, Russiagate was about Russian influence online before the election, not on the election process itself, and it was proven. Also also, how did CNN misrepresent Kyle Rittenhouse? As for the mostly peaceful protests that the BLM protests were, how did CNN misrepresent them?

Fox news is indeed mostly stuff though, I agree on that.

And you did paint all TV media with a convenient brush, you don't make absolute claims about a news source without sufficient evidence.
you will be the first to be executed for your friendry

ehhh id say it depends if you're either fat or old
why is it do you believe people are obese or medically vulnerable or quit jobs and universities that require them to wear unprovided n95 masks

why is it do you believe people are obese or medically vulnerable or quit jobs and universities that require them to wear unprovided n95 masks
because they're the only ones that have a risk of death over 1%

because they're the only ones that have a risk of death over 1%
its not like people who survive covid suffer no long term issues. long covid by this point is a well documented thing, as well as the severity of a prolonged covid hospitalization loving your body up via atrophying while bedridden and your body fighting the disease

actually the first step in the scientific method is observing a problem but it’s funny you and everyone else missed that part

No, it's not.
Step 1: Ask a question
1. Ask a question
1. Define a Question to Investigate

The discoveries we make help solve existing problems.

If we seek out a problem to solve, instead of seeking out research and development that has yielded helpful discoveries,
this is what we get.

We're focusing on one solution as the only option. Any and all other options are discarded because they're not solving the arbitrary
problem of "how do we vaccinate against the virus"

The question we should be asking, "has there already been discoveries of any kind to help slow or end the spread of covid, and the continuation of the virus."

if the answer is no, the next question is "what has already worked in defeating viruses gone past?"

We've sought out a fast and easy solution that wasn't well researched and now we have a vaccine that fades in efficiency over time.

We knew this months ago, but for some reason it was VERBOTEN to dare speak of this research because it was "Misinformation" and "Disinformation"
until it wasn't.

We're doing stupid and ignorant things under the guise of it "FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE" when in reality, we're breaking fundamental parts of the
scientific method.

So now lets have these questions.

Who benefits from pushing this ignorant bullstuff?
Why only vaccines, why is any other form of treatment or action immediately discarded without thought if it isn't a vaccine?
Why conflate questioning whats going on with being "AntiVaxx"?
Why is everyone ignoring long term research and pushing the "Just do it" narrative?
Why are we ignoring Doctors and Medical Professionals who have asked the prior question of discoveries or previous actions against viruses?
Why are we ignoring Doctors and Medical Professionals who have asked why we can't ask questions about this?

It really seems like its always the people who say to "Trust the Science" who aren't Scientists.

Aside from Fauci who claims to be Science itself.

a reality where the entire world held off on treating covid until the "Science Was Settled" is one where millions more people have to die or become irreparably damaged from a disease whose risk we know can be preemptively diminished or eliminated with a quickly-developed vaccine.

there are better ways to treat covid that we don't have yet, but the existing vaccines have saved lives and it's honestly absurd to imply that the reasonable thing to do was to ignore the possibility of developing and distributing them. so what if it turns out you might need a booster? if we make better preventative treatments in the future that doesnt mean all the time we bought with the mrna vaccines was wasted
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 12:23:50 PM by otto-san »

a reality where the entire world held off on treating covid until the "Science Was Settled" is one where millions more people have to die or become irreparably damaged from a disease whose risk we know can be preemptively diminished or eliminated with a quickly-developed vaccine.
The science is never settled was my point. Meaning the conversation surrounding what is and isn't good practice, what should or shouldn't be used, and what should or shouldn't be enforced
must be allowed to continue, or it's not science.

It's scientology.

there are better ways to treat covid that we don't have yet, but the existing vaccines have saved lives and it's honestly absurd to imply that the reasonable thing to do was to ignore the possibility of developing and distributing them. so what if it turns out you might need a booster? if we make better preventative treatments in the future that doesnt mean all the time we bought with the mrna vaccines was wasted
No, that's never been my point. Seriously wtf?

My point has been and will continue to be.

We need to question the science, are we doing everything we should to make informed decisions.
IS the vaccine the best option RIGHT NOW? Are there better options?

Is the risk of the unknown long term greater than the risk of covid?

These hard, and necessary questions are getting rolled over by this "Listen and Believe" narrative around "Trusting the Science".

a big part of science is being okay with being wrong if the data discovered/found proves you wrong. clearly you dont seem to grasp that as the data that the vaccines and boosters work is well established by this point

theres a difference in being reasonably skeptical about *everything* you see, which is part of science, and skeptical of any evidence that proves you wrong but not skeptical of evidence that proves you right, which is conspiracy theory thinking.