
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 277431 times)

American NIMBYism goes global

The U.YAAAASSSSS ARMY will deploy to Ukraine at 0420 hours

I've tried to play ball, and play it fair.
But it's clear to me right now, there is no longer any place for negotiation
in US politics.

You either have a brain, or you're a democrat.

If you're a democrat, you like the boot being placed on the neck of peaceful protestors,
funding the Burn Loot Murder organization, and Think Biden is "the best President EVAR!"
because "atleast he's not DRumpf!"

I'm not emptying out common sense, so that I can be in the cool pool, that's filled with
stuff and smells like soy.

Basically, if you're a Democrat, forget you.

Afghanistan falling is your fault.
Ukraine falling is your fault.
Gas Prices going through the roof, is your fault.

Do you even know that Biden forced the US out of
being energy independent?

Do you even know that Biden went way past the
original planned Afghanistan withdrawal date, and
was still unprepared.

Do you even know that Blue cities are the cities with
the major racial issues that YOU complain about?

Annoying Orange wasn't the Russian asset, Biden is a Chinese asset.
Republicans aren't ruining the country, YOU ARE.

forget you, close the borders. It's not tribal it's rational.
forget you, voter ID, it's not voter suppression to make sure the people voting are loving CITIZENS.
forget you, I'm done pretending to be calm to look good on your propaganda media outlets.

Your leftist outlets only lie. Being smeared as a tribal, fascist and national socialist by tribal communists, is a loving Honor.

i will serve crack before i serve NATO

Wow Matthew, what loving reality are you living in? How is Afghanistan Biden's fault? How is Ukraine Biden's fault? The knee on the protestor's neck is supported by republicans. How is the gas prices the democrats' fault?

Are you memeing right now?

matthew has always, and will always be, stupid. may whatever god you worship have mercy on you.

Matthew what are your actual principles bro you flip flop every 2 years

i have friends in russia right now and they are vocally posting against the invasion

god bless the russian anti-war protestors i hope they stay safe from their government

i have friends in russia right now and they are vocally posting against the invasion

god bless the russian anti-war protestors i hope they stay safe from their government
vocal protesting wont do much in Russia

Not anymore no, protests are pretty much either riots in progress or too peaceful to be meaningful at this stage in the game. Between the media and bad faith actors there is nothing in between the two poles. In the next <5 years people are going to notice their votes don't matter and their protests will just give fuel to the overstate to clamp down further.

Guess Biden isn't gonna deploy us

In the next <5 years people are going to notice their votes don't matter
Our votes ever mattered?

Guess Biden isn't gonna deploy us
Of course he won't. He's an asset to our enemies.

Not anymore no, protests are pretty much either riots in progress or too peaceful to be meaningful at this stage in the game. Between the media and bad faith actors there is nothing in between the two poles. In the next <5 years people are going to notice their votes don't matter and their protests will just give fuel to the overstate to clamp down further.
I wished I had realized the minds had been made up in 2020.

Protests are useless on deaf ears.
Riots are only useful for the establishment, which holds the power.
Doesn't matter from which side it comes.

The only solace is that the Freedom loving Americans are pissed.
Quote from: John F Kennedy
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

matthew what is ur solution to the situation in ukraine