
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276710 times)

you live in a totally different world

Yeah, the real one.
Twitter isn't reality.

Code: [Select]
There isn't 'fascists' around every corner.
There isn't a 'Don't say Gay' Bill
Refusing to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness because you're white doesn't make you tribal.
And Biden is running the economy into the ground.

Code: [Select]
Fascists are EVERYWHERE
Saying gay is ILLEGAL in Florida!
The economy is better than ever now that DRUMPF is gone!!!!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 06:12:26 PM by Master Matthew² »

Option A: Elon owns Twitter, Free Speech wins
Option B: Twitter loving crashes and burns without Elon, Free Speech wins.
Yeah, very strange how the ultra-left, ultra-woke Twitter is super tribal.

Critical Race Theory/Applied Praxis/Whatever bullstuff new term they come up with to smugly claim they aren't indoctrinating children.
stop replying to me gay handicap

Code: [Select]
There isn't 'fascists' around every corner.
There isn't a 'Don't say Gay' Bill
Refusing to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness because you're white doesn't make you tribal.
And Biden is running the economy into the ground.
i'll give it to you that half of these things are true and the other half are so far from the truth that it makes me worry for your mental health

You're as deluded as twitter apparently...

Wtf is "fascists are everywhere" even supposed to mean?

The don't say gay bill exists and is actively trying to hurt LGBTQ people. And who is saying that saying gay is illegal in florida?

How many people actually say that you should be sorry for being white?`

How is Biden running the economy to the ground? And how would you run the economy in a pandemic and with what is happening in Ukraine affecting global trade?

Wtf is "fascists are everywhere" even supposed to mean?
Common Leftist idea that everyone is an "Alt-Righter" because they don't want to immediately
go along with the 'current thing', no matter how insane it is.

The don't say gay bill exists and is actively trying to hurt LGBTQ people. And who is saying that saying gay is illegal in florida?

Show me the part of the bill where it OKs hurting LGBTQ people, or where it's called 'Don't Say Gay'.

How many people actually say that you should be sorry for being white?`
More than 0, which is way too many. Especially since it's not a bannable offense.
If someone walked up and asked people to apologize for being black or asian or gay, that stuff would be 200% banned.

It's either all OK or all forbidden.

How is Biden running the economy to the ground?

Shutting Down KeystoneXL Pipeline
Fracking Ban, even after claiming he wouldn't
Over Extending Moratorium on Evictions
Promoting Vaccine Mandates, Mask Mandates at the expense of business owners
1.4% Retraction this past quarter
Highest Inflation in decades as a result of printing free money because they wouldn't drop the mask and vaccine mandates
until it hit their poll numbers.

And how would you run the economy in a pandemic and with what is happening in Ukraine affecting global trade?
Reopen KeystoneXL Project
Re-allow Fracking
Focus on reworking our electricity infrastructure to be based stronger on Nuclear Energy instead of Oil and Gas.
Ban on foreign investors and restrictions on non-us citizens from owning residential properties.
principal Student Loan Agreement
- Immediately suspend and forgive interest and compound interest on active Student Loans
- Stricter laws around Student Loans and their financing details to forbid predatory loans.
- Stricter laws on State funded Universities and Colleges in their handling of finances and general pricing.
Lockdowns were always a bad idea, and an obvious economic detriment, One-Size fits all Policies are always
short sighted and fueled by panic.
Tax Exemptions for businesses that made less than $250k during 2020-2022, Not including businesses that are
part of a licensed chain or are a subsidiary of a larger business.
Reassess Federal Infrastructure Finances, this one is really technical, but basically we allow for states and cities to
take federal funding for new projects but now to keep them up-to-date. Without nearly as much over-sight into what
they do with it. The types of infrastructure they have built and continue to build is financially detrimental and needs
a stronger oversight if they intend to use tax-payer money from the federal level.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 03:20:45 PM by Master Matthew² »

Anyone who calls the parental rights bill the dont say gay bill is actively engaging in family values by implying homoloveuals are child enthusiasts who want to groom kids

^ stupid people branded post ^

spoken like a true child rapist, typical furry behavior

Ok, responses in order:

It isn't a common leftist idea.

This article explains how the bill achieves the "don't say gay" part of it's moniker without using the word gay.

A lot more than 0 people call education about loveual identity grooming and they're not banned. Either way, the amount of people demanding apologia for being white is miniscule and irrelevant.

Provide a source or a study on the economic effects of cancelling keystone.

Biden hasn't banned fracking.

Moratorium as well as the mask and vaccine mandates were necessary responses to mitigate the damage the virus would've done to the population.

Inflation is due to the economic fallout of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine effecting global trade.

You cannot find a politician who would do anything that would damage their re-election, with the possible exceptions on the left who actually have principles outside of personal gain.

First two I have addressed.

On nuclear, I agree, though renewable energy is also important.

Idk about foreign investment.

Student loan policy looks cool.

The lockdowns were necessary.

Infrastructure policy looks cool.

Damn Matthew, I want you to take a guess on which party is more aligned with your plans here.

[massive text wall of malformed opinions disguised as facts]

[massive text wall in response saying they are wrong]

[massive text wall of insane ramblings unrelated to subject at hand]

[single line "what" response]

[soap box post about fallacious arguments and how horizontal math ruined the nation]

[deus ex says slurs]

there, i've skipped ahead and auto-generated the next page of content in this thread for ya'll. i hope you enjoy

[massive text wall of malformed opinions disguised as facts]

[massive text wall in response saying they are wrong]

[massive text wall of insane ramblings unrelated to subject at hand]

[single line "what" response]

[soap box post about fallacious arguments and how horizontal math ruined the nation]

[deus ex says slurs]

there, i've skipped ahead and auto-generated the next page of content in this thread for ya'll. i hope you enjoy
AI generated BLF posts when

alexa play hoes mad by famous dex

Anyone who calls the parental rights bill the dont say gay bill is actively engaging in family values by implying homoloveuals are child enthusiasts who want to groom kids

Anyone who calls the parental rights bill the dont say gay bill is actively engaging in family values by implying homoloveuals are child enthusiasts who want to groom kids