Author Topic: Cyberpunk is out  (Read 7213 times)

is a 1070 good enough for this game

Just made a BBC this game is awesome

Just found fazzas character in the game and raped him with my futa character

Just found fazzas character in the game and raped him with my futa character
u are gay

« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 02:29:54 AM by Frequency »

is a 1070 good enough for this game
I have a 1060 6GB and I'm running the game at a stable 30 w/ low-ish settings at 80% of 1080p. Crowd density set to low which helps any possible framedips while driving. Despite being almost set to low, it still looks great tbh. You should be good with a 1070.

I'd be more worried about a CPU bottleneck though since the city aspect really hammers that and you don't want to get any annoying af stutters while driving.

turning them low for realism is a good option i think
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 02:30:29 AM by Frequency »

why the forget this game so forgetin short
right?! I can't believe they spent so long making a game with so very little to offer. Not to mention the illusion of choice is way more prevalent than actual decision making

i heard it was bad but i didnt expect this

Me and friend of mine were talking about this Eurojank. It's really loving sad but it's starting to remind me of Duke Nukem: Forever's in terms of development cycles which is Development Hell.