Author Topic: corona vaccine  (Read 2419 times)

what're your thoughts now that it's actually in development?
would you take it? would you not? do you think it's safe? effective? a conspiracy?

i'd probably take it, but maybe in a few months to make sure that it's actually effective and there's no debilitating side effects. huge concern considering how quickly it had to be made

also, this entire situation has an eerie similarity to the start of a zombie apocalypse, so that's something to be wary about

I think a vaccine is a nice alternative to maskless oldheads spitting in my face at Island's and missing my 8 bracket CS:S tourney because of a hospital visit.

i cant wait to shot as much of it into my ass so i can go to clubs and vomit in public again

Ive heard its supposed to take years to develop vaccines so it spooks me how fast its been made.

I dont know if thats accurate though and really dont care enough about it to look up the faxts because overall I dont really care.

I can’t get any more handicapped so what do I have to lose

i cant wait to shot as much of it into my ass so i can go to clubs and vomit in public again
this but unironically

Ive heard its supposed to take years to develop vaccines so it spooks me how fast its been made.
They used the 'kill babies for their stem cells' speed running strat for this one which hasn't been done (and approved) previously

If I upload that to Imgur the planned parenthood private security team will literally arrive at my back door

no thanks

"I'm sure the media and government are looking out for my best interest, they know whats right! Right?"