Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606823 times)


Here's one...

I was on a TF2 server and I was choosing a class. It took me a minute to do so and here's what the handicapped admin does:

Here's one...

I was on a TF2 server and I was choosing a class. It took me a minute to do so and here's what the handicapped admin does:

Looks like Blockland to me

It all started with a shuttle.
I joined Gunner's Space Colonization RP.
Head shot master 7446 spawned a shuttle, I asked Gunner(Host) to delete it, which he did.
Head shot master declares war on the moon colony for the shuttle's deletion and a few kills later, I just tell Head shot that we are on the same side which IS a fact in the RP, Gunner says it is my fault, He kicks me first, When I join the server again I get banned permenantly, Reason attached.

Please look here so you know who I'm talking about:
Code: [Select]
dargereldren 25688 Shorn x 15672 Impersonating People -1 -1This guy who keeps changing their name is "Shorn x" BL_ID: 15672
He was once "God of death and color" (name last used on: "Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:48 pm")
but after the build he and I made on "DAProgs' Freebuild, friendly" got deleted, I heard of zombiFLD (same id, btw) who was mocking zombiFId (id 13617) and then after that he was known as "Eric Heartman" and then after that he joined my server then I permanently banned him.

I was playing on J3$u$ Fr34k's server and then J3$u$ Fr34k kept telling me to join the "Extreme Pong" and then, before I was banned from the server, I told them to kick people that wouldn't obey the rules, then an admin (there was 2 online) banned me for the reason "I WARNED YOU BOUT STUPIDITY BRO"
It just had random letters I didn't understand on the "The server has dropped the connection:" message so I didn't know who banned me and how long the ban was. Maybe he kicked me then banned me.
Ban message (when trying to join server) attached.
J3$u$ Fr34k's BL_ID is: 8306 if you want to ban him.

Dude, you TOLD HIM to kick you.

Okay, so i was bored some day, so i decided to join random servers and say "minecraft suck, only people with aids play it", and leave shortly after.
so i got to this server and said that, and about 2 or 3 secounds after i got banned. reason "nu killing u cigarettet!!1!!"

I didnt bother to take a picture because i was rolling on the floor laughting :P

J3$u$ Fr34k's BL_ID is: 8306 if you want to ban him.
so, just because he banned you from his server, everyone must ban him from their servers.
oh god, I may not ban anyone from my server or else I'll be banned everywhere.

so, just because he banned you from his server, everyone must ban him from their servers.
oh god, I may not ban anyone from my server or else I'll be banned everywhere.
i'm guna ban u from my sever!!1

If you feel i am stupid and do not like me at your server;
my ID is 9783 so if you don't want to see Moriarty, just ban it
check RTB for confirmation
just so i can avoid all these kinds of things and stumble into them by accident.

Ages ago me and my friend joined this server where this noob was making a rule board. We both got banned for apparently breaking the rule of our IDs being higher or lower.

Seriously, I'm a 1000.

Ages ago me and my friend joined this server where this noob was making a rule board. We both got banned for apparently breaking the rule of our IDs being higher or lower.

Seriously, I'm a 1000.
haha, oh wow.

haha, oh wow.

I meant that I was in the 1000s and diden't excactly have the ID of 1000.

PS: lethalspartan79 has the ID of 1000.

NoEdit: It is confusing whether you still like me or you now go with the bandwagoners.