Author Topic: [BRICKADIA NEWS] Port, fiance of Evar, proven to like kids  (Read 68785 times)

you're unable to wrap your thoughts up neatly and opt to instead take jabs that don't make any sense.
Red text is just a personally attacking me, I don't even play brickadia and you're handicapped.
just like clockwork

what did you do to this person in the brickadia discord, soukuw?

what did you do to this person in the brickadia discord, soukuw?
More personal attacks and apparently from 2019

Quote from: Soukuw (but simplified for smooth brains)
It's weird how the creep hunters all keep making jokes about kids getting raped. Really odd you guys are making fun of such a serious topic you're apparently all so passionate about. I feel like if anyone ever told any of you guys they were molested you would immediately shun them.
Still don't know what point you're trying to get at about the shunning thing, and I'll take your "simplified for smooth brains" comment with a grain of salt because you didn't even elaborate any further on your posts.

Red text is just a personally attacking me, I don't even play brickadia and you're handicapped.
And now you're upset over personal attacks when you've made multiple "personal" """attacks""" in this thread already, you obviously have nothing constructive to say for either side of this topic so I suggest shutting your dumb ass up, we all know you won't regardless, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

You feel like if someone told us they have been molested, we would immediately shun them?
What the forget does that even mean?

Here's a shot in the dark, I bet a million dollars you wouldn't keep coming back to this thread to defend the alleged child enthusiasts if none of them had anything to do with brickadia.

Can't wait to see what double post you are gonna come up with next, since you're unable to wrap your thoughts up neatly and opt to instead take jabs that don't make any sense.
you are handicapped

Still don't know what point you're trying to get at about the shunning thing, and I'll take your "simplified for smooth brains" comment with a grain of salt because you didn't even elaborate any further on your posts.
And now you're upset over personal attacks when you've made multiple "personal" """attacks""" in this thread already, you obviously have nothing constructive to say for either side of this topic so I suggest shutting your dumb ass up, we all know you won't regardless, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.
You guys only care about drama, you don't care about child enthusiasts or their victims. You imply I liked brickadia and that's the only reason I'm posting, I think you're only posting because you don't like Brickadia and you're just projecting.

How am I supposed to respond to a post that entirely ignores what I wrote and instead digs up a three year old out of context mention of me I've never seen? Are you pretending to be dumb? Unova probably only hunted that down because they were trying to figure out if I was lying about liking Brickadia. This dude has an account logged into the Brickadia Discord server to hunt down Brickadia users... wtf?

Oo look at me, spending far more time defending myself then my opinion. You guys enjoying the circle jerk?

for some reason i thought having gore (not too horrible) on there was funny
Why Luigi can't edit his profile.

(not too horrible)

You guys only care about drama, you don't care about child enthusiasts or their victims. You imply I liked brickadia and that's the only reason I'm posting, I think you're only posting because you don't like Brickadia and you're just projecting.
i'm personally posting about it because i care about the child enthusiasts and their victims. i have no affiliation with the other dudes, done my own research, haven't talked to them at all, that kind of thing. if i disliked brickadia and wanted to convince others that it's bad, i'd just make a post that could actually convince you that the development and developers are flawed - and i'm not doing that, i'm specifically posting about child enthusiasts in their community.

How am I supposed to respond to a post that entirely ignores what I wrote and instead digs up a three year old out of context mention of me I've never seen? Are you pretending to be dumb? Unova probably only hunted that down because they were trying to figure out if I was lying about liking Brickadia. This dude has an account logged into the Brickadia Discord server to hunt down Brickadia users... wtf?
i personally think it's worthless to respond to you in actuality, as you seem intent on 'trolling' us i guess? it's not even personal, to discredit any one of us, you just say things that can only be described as disrespectful from my personal perspective and would be a lie by default if you were to, for once, actually address me as an individual past my responses to you; so i was trying to figure out why you would do this, get into your thought process, but it turns out that you have no affiliation with any of the people we're calling out or brickadia in general... which is ???

Oo look at me, spending far more time defending myself then my opinion. You guys enjoying the circle jerk?
can you restate your opinion for easy response?

you are handicapped
You guys only care about drama, you don't care about child enthusiasts or their victims. You imply I liked brickadia and that's the only reason I'm posting, I think you're only posting because you don't like Brickadia and you're just projecting.

How am I supposed to respond to a post that entirely ignores what I wrote and instead digs up a three year old out of context mention of me I've never seen? Are you pretending to be dumb? Unova probably only hunted that down because they were trying to figure out if I was lying about liking Brickadia. This dude has an account logged into the Brickadia Discord server to hunt down Brickadia users... wtf?

Oo look at me, spending far more time defending myself then my opinion. You guys enjoying the circle jerk?
Why Luigi can't edit his profile.

(not too horrible)

I think you're only posting because you don't like Brickadia and you're just projecting.
Why don't you think I like Brickadia, the answer may shock you...

Why don't you think I like Brickadia, the answer may shock you...
wanna know something else shocking? every single one of them was a blockland user at some point. really makes you think, huh?

Here's a shot in the dark, I bet a million dollars you wouldn't keep coming back to this thread to defend the alleged child enthusiasts if none of them had anything to do with brickadia.
my brother in Christ, no one would be responding to this thread if it wasn't related to brickadia

i'm personally posting about it because i care about the child enthusiasts and their victims. i have no affiliation with the other dudes, done my own research, haven't talked to them at all, that kind of thing. if i disliked brickadia and wanted to convince others that it's bad, i'd just make a post that could actually convince you that the development and developers are flawed - and i'm not doing that, i'm specifically posting about child enthusiasts in their community.
i personally think it's worthless to respond to you in actuality, as you seem intent on 'trolling' us i guess? it's not even personal, to discredit any one of us, you just say things that can only be described as disrespectful from my personal perspective and would be a lie by default if you were to, for once, actually address me as an individual past my responses to you; so i was trying to figure out why you would do this, get into your thought process, but it turns out that you have no affiliation with any of the people we're calling out or brickadia in general... which is ???
can you restate your opinion for easy response?
read the thread moron. on the very first page I post about my affiliation with port and why I'm posting. Maybe if you'd spent more time reading the thread rather then attempting to get a one up on me you'd grasp what was going on.

Feel free to post your "research" I've yet to see any evidence of anything beyond a 15 year old flirting with other 15 year olds.

Also if you don't know who Liz is then you are probably too new to actually know who port is.

Double post because luigi loves it so much. Unova posts on page 6, I'm guessing this is what he's referring too. I've already responded to it. lol

What do YOU mean care for paedophiles...?

Do you guys suck each other off or just give each other hand jobs?

Red text is just a personally attacking me, I don't even play brickadia and you're handicapped.
More personal attacks and apparently from 2019

bzzzt... bzzt *sparks fly* system.. malfunction