Author Topic: [BRICKADIA NEWS] Port, fiance of Evar, proven to like kids  (Read 68786 times)

can someone tell me how to stir fry brown rice properly every time i try to it comes out alright but a little hard
use day old rice

Posted from

I too am a thick skinned individual and I can relate to Tyler66.
I also got bullied heavily at school and at home by my brother, and to a lesser extent on the internet (by my school peers and maybe whomever I didn't get along with on Blockland) but it developed into me being thick skinned, so I can't really relate to the others that had developed their experiences into unusual mental trauma.

Just my 20p lads. Can't expect everybody in the room to relate to your trauma as not everyone can process stuff identically.

Tyler66 got called a handicap or a cigarette once and thinks that's bullying I guess.
I talked about something I liked and got spammed with comics of me committing Self Delete and shoving guns up my ass, then I got groomed by different people and when I tried to report it nobody believed me until another user made dramas for those people.

I grew up here and registered an account when I was only 11 years old and I do not suffer any lasting mental consequences from my time here. I've had more than my fair share of what you might call "internet bullying" aka getting called mean things by hormone-raging high school teenagers as well as early run-ins with notable forum degenerates like Port. Developing thick skin is an expected and crucial part of growing up, something that most contemporary internet dwellers lack.

I'd argue there's some legitimate trauma I suffered from being here but I think that's just because I started using the forums when I was 7. At that point it's cause and effect.

The handful of people who end up mentally screwed are almost always either the result of bad relationships with their parents or already had some kind of pre-existing mental condition.

If we're counting autism then that's basically the entire forum lol. But overall I do half agree in that I do think the forum itself can be traumatic, but overall the people who tend to be un well adjusted from their experiences here tend to have many outside experiences that weigh heavily in it. The forum certainly won't help but it can't do much damage on it's own. In that sense it's like violent video games /s

use day old rice

Posted from
i tried again and washed the rice and chilled it beforehand and mixed it with some butter among other stuff but it was hard yet again like dont get me wrong the rice came out delicious but when it has the texture of teeth i kinda don't wanna put it in my mouf

use day old rice that isn't dried out in the fridge. make sure when you leave it overnight or whatever its covered so the water doesnt escape. you can actually just leave rice in a rice cooker/pot overnight out on the counter without any problems and it wont dry out as much

if you do need to add water you can add a tiny bit and re-cook it/steam it since it drying out is it just reverting to the pre-cooked rice state afaik

you legally cannot post this gif in a thread about child enthusiasm accusations

you legally cannot post this gif in a thread about child enthusiasm accusations
Accusations?  :cookieMonster: :cookie:

Posted from

if you do need to add water you can add a tiny bit and re-cook it/steam it since it drying out is it just reverting to the pre-cooked rice state afaik
i decided to do away with rice entirely and learned you can make a pretty filling and delicious meal by just. taking 4 thin chicken breasts cut in half, and cooking em in a pan, dumping a whole chopped sweet onion on top and putting some butter chicken sauce on it and stir it around. stuffs delicious yall gotta try it.
will post pics next time i make it

i decided to do away with rice entirely and learned you can make a pretty filling and delicious meal by just. taking 4 thin chicken breasts cut in half, and cooking em in a pan, dumping a whole chopped sweet onion on top and putting some butter chicken sauce on it and stir it around. stuffs delicious yall gotta try it.
will post pics next time i make it

this stuff so good