subreddit sucks because reddit is in charge. putting all online communities in the hands of a few corporations is Bad. but this is an ideological issue not a practical one
I'm surprised we agree on this, but yeah centralization and consolidation are bad, especially given what's being consolidated here is control over human communication.
Just out of principle I'd like to move any discussion I can to my own chat room, teamspeak, forum, literally anything other than discord or Reddit eventually.
As an aside:
It's disturbing to think of the amount of people who go to subreddits to vent or get advice on ethical matters or life decisions. I mean /r/AITA has 6.5 million subscribers alone.
We're already at the point where ChatGPT can just generate entire Reddit threads, for example: wanted to find a non-political example, sorry, but just assume it could easily generate 30 replies for a "Is my girlfriend being abusive? Should I leave her?" thread.
Social mores have already been changing at an accelerated pace over the last 50 years or so, but imagine what's going to happen after the average person gets their sense of what is right and wrong through A.I. generated content.
Even if they do have a real life friend they ask, who's to say they in turn didn't just get their 'ethics' from social media or television?
Discord is rolling out some pretty powerful AI moderation too: anything you can to bring people's use of the internet back to small communities managed by "just some guy" where people actually know each other somewhat seems pretty noble.