Author Topic: blockland rebuilt  (Read 37646 times)

maps and terrains looked pretty dated as everyone said, but i don't see how modter terrains (or just bricks in general) were much of an improvement considering how easy it is to get stuck on them with vehicles

maps and terrains looked pretty dated as everyone said, but i don't see how modter terrains (or just bricks in general) were much of an improvement considering how easy it is to get stuck on them with vehicles
Visually modter was actually a downgrade, as static terrains had much more curves and complexity.

And I dont know why anyone would say dated. Blockland is old, but at this point I would consider it stylized and not old. This aint no unreal game and it never will be. The textures and shaders were chosen for a reason, and it all culminates into the style the game was going for.

TLDR its not supposed to be realistic, its legos

Brickadia, Dran, and now Blockland reborn. Who will triumph?

Terrain itself doesn’t need a 3rd party program iirc, you can edit it in mission editor
i didn't say a third party program, just an external program.
which isn't ideal if you change your mind halfway through a project or are playing multiplayer.

I understood, but you use mission editor to edit terrain which is internal. I don't know if mission editor propagates changes in multiplayer automatically but if the issue here is time-to-edit, consider the fact that building a mountain in mission editor from completely flat terrain takes about a minute.

The only game modes that have used dynamic terrain modification at runtime are like... trench warfare? Mining? Not exactly the cutting edge when it comes to beautiful looking graphics, and you didn't need to remove terrain to accomplish voxels. In-fact V21 was historically a problem for mining servers because Badspot stubbornly refused to make the ground plate removeable for a very long time lol.

Brickadia, Dran, and now Blockland reborn. Who will triumph?
There are no winners here, only options

Pick your poison

Brickadia, Dran, and now Blockland reborn. Who will triumph?

Brickadia is dead. Dran is dying. Blockland reborn will rise from the ashes and take blockland and destroy it, while blockland crumbles in its presence all will hail blockland rebuilt.

Brickadia is dead. Dran is dying. Blockland reborn will rise from the ashes and take blockland and destroy it, while blockland crumbles in its presence all will hail blockland rebuilt.
Someone should repackage vanilla Blockland as "Blockland Unbuilt" and people will play it just for the hype.
"At least it has an active developer!"

who's gonna host jorgur's dogfight

who's gonna host jorgur's dogfight
Why, Jogur, of course, who else?

I'll get the shovel and you get the Necronomicon

Someone should repackage vanilla Blockland as "Blockland Unbuilt" and people will play it just for the hype.
"At least it has an active developer!"

oh crap. thats whats happening isnt it? RIP.

anywho, any update on dranland? It was fun while it lasted, but I havent heard any news.

Brickadia is dead. Dran is dying. Blockland reborn will rise from the ashes and take blockland and destroy it, while blockland crumbles in its presence all will hail blockland rebuilt.

i can hear badspot writing the cease and desist already

anywho, any update on dranland? It was fun while it lasted, but I havent heard any news.
dran's still working on it, started posting on his discord again after a short break

Beating a dead horse

Beating a dead horse
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