Author Topic: blockland rebuilt  (Read 38425 times)

I don't suspect or accuse Kenko and his team of doing anything nefarious, but given that something as simple as a version launcher isn't open source, and that Rebuilt's source isn't public either is rather off-putting.

Given the history of this forum and its members, I don't think caution or even suspicion is an unreasonable reaction to any of this.

what if we all just played regular blockland instead and then we might actually have a sizeable playerbase
that's a great idea, i sure hope nobody tries to prevent that from happening by creating another version of the game that splinters the community, that'd suck

that's a great idea, i sure hope nobody tries to prevent that from happening by creating another version of the game that splinters the community, that'd suck
Good lord if I had a nickel for every time someone has echoed this.

Yeah, let's not splinter a community of around 60 people at most during peak hours for a game that is no longer maintained by its developer. You can argue that 60 people can fill roughly 2 servers, but that's still not a player count you can recover from. I don't care if half of them are playing Medieval RP or Grappleknife, it's just not going to happen.

The game is long past the point of no return and making everyone congregate to same version isn't somehow going to revitalize its community. Most people who were once into the game are either playing Brickadia or have moved on entirely, so you may as well come to terms with that and play whatever version you want.

what if we all just played regular blockland instead and then we might actually have a sizeable playerbase
that's a great idea, i sure hope nobody tries to prevent that from happening by creating another version of the game that splinters the community, that'd suck
Anyone that's splintered off from the main game aren't playing v21 anyway

Alternate versions of Blockland are not the reason the actual game is dead

If these alternate versions didn't exist, they wouldn't be playing Blockland in any capacity whatsoever

Can people please understand this simple concept already
« Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 07:53:41 AM by Masterlegodude »

Yeah if you look at the steam charts you can see that BL-R actually increased activity on V21. It makes intuitive sense that enormous contributions like this could only benefit the community - the "splintered playerbase" concern is not a real issue. Anyone who is still playing Blockland exist within dedicated groups, and anyone who can figure out how to register to B4V21 is probably smart enough to move between instances when they want to play either game.

Also, it would be deranged to put this amount of effort into reverse-engineering with the ulterior motive of hacking people's computers, but stay on your toes...

Also, it would be deranged to put this amount of effort into reverse-engineering with the ulterior motive of hacking people's computers, but stay on your toes...
it would be deranged, but being malicious is a real thing and i personally don't want to use the software until i know somewhat what i'm getting into especially as they have the ability to make things open source but just don't
it's frustrating that this is even a discussion of any sort

The main concern with making Rebuilt open source is the fact that Blockland is still a paid product that is actively being sold.

it would be deranged, but being malicious is a real thing and i personally don't want to use the software until i know somewhat what i'm getting into especially as they have the ability to make things open source but just don't
it's frustrating that this is even a discussion of any sort
I guess you shouldn't download anything from the internet, and only the microsoft store. You need to be sure that all of your software is secure.

And yes. Once Blockland R is open source we can finally know if its a virus, that is the only factor keeping us from knowing if its a false positive.

I guess you shouldn't download anything from the internet, and only the microsoft store. You need to be sure that all of your software is secure.
i use internet products with the confidence that i can get my money back and more if they cause me harm, provided they're through a proven trustworthy service like steam or something. if they're not through a proven trustworthy service, then there's something to verify that it's safe to run and not evil and won't steal my data, like a source that i can just look through to see if it does anything malicious and compile myself if i don't trust official releases. if neither, then i'm just not going to use the software because i have the ability to make my own and don't want to risk having my computer self destruct because i wanted to play someone's private fork of a lego building game, which i think is pretty fair

And yes. Once Blockland R is open source we can finally know if its a virus, that is the only factor keeping us from knowing if its a false positive.
i don't know kenko or anyone else involved. if Bill Gates came up to me and offered me a usb stick with Windows 12 on it I'd probably decline, which is a personal opinion but I think it's not unreasonable

i also don't really get the hostility and standoffishness; did i do something to you?
The main concern with making Rebuilt open source is the fact that Blockland is still a paid product that is actively being sold.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 04:07:41 PM by Unova2 »

You're already a proven rebuilt sympathizer. Of course you would want me to stop exposing the potential trojan.
lemme pretend i know what this means since ive never touched B4v21

also also also: what if i wanted to create my own fork? like, if i just wanted to make my own version with my own features? or to try and contribute improvements to existing features? or even if this was to go the way of blockland and stop being actively maintained, with developers who are difficult to reach or else? i don't see any particular reason to be hostile over even the prospect of it being open source, manteuro

soldier is the person who has no experience with computer security thinks hes smarter at identifying what really is or isnt a problem than people with actual experience

I guess you shouldn't download anything from the internet, and only the microsoft store. You need to be sure that all of your software is secure.
the difference here is its going to be a lot harder to hold clay hanson/kenko/etc accountable if there is an actual backdoor in their software compared to a person who has to give up anonymity to publish their software on a public, managed marketplace to ensure if there are issues they can be held accountable

not that i dont trust blr’s devs not to do something that stupid, but its a legitimate concern if you dont know the devs well enough to trust them inherently like that

also also also: what if i wanted to create my own fork? like, if i just wanted to make my own version with my own features? or to try and contribute improvements to existing features? or even if this was to go the way of blockland and stop being actively maintained, with developers who are difficult to reach or else? i don't see any particular reason to be hostile over even the prospect of it being open source, manteuro
I'm playing around on the forums silly, if you think I'm being hostile you should disregard what I said. From what I've heard, Clay is considering making it open source when it is more developed and organized.

I'm playing around on the forums silly, if you think I'm being hostile you should disregard what I said.
You forgot to say /j, /s, or /lh