Author Topic: World Trade Center WIP  (Read 7602 times)

I just think Muslims or what the hell ever they were have a stupid religion.

Oh Jesus Christ (no pun intended) is that the dumbest response I have ever heard.

I let this topic sort of simmer over for a while, seeing as I ignored it when it was first created, but low and behold, as expected, a bunch of idiots started an argument.

Lets just say this, No, Muslims are not stupid. Terrorists are stupid. Just because they happened to be Muslim doesn't mean you can go and stereotype all of em'. They're actually pretty peaceful people, sure they have a holiday where they hurt themselves around a big rock, but then again, Christians have a holiday where a giant rabbit gives kids eggs and sugar. Go figure.

Secondly, Its comments like that that get us bombed. We as a country are so arrogant to the point that we have declared ourselves a super power after (I believe) WWI (might have been II), and then afterwards every single American without ever stepping foot off of our soil claim that we are superior.

I think it had something to do with their religion....they hated us because we, in their religion, are "infidels" or however you spell that...

Lemme guess, you got that logic from Postal 2?

They hate us, because, pretty much all countries in the world hate us. We have a better life, better country, better government. And some of them think, if they can't have that, why should we?

Personally, I don't give a crap about 9-11, yes I feel sorry for them, but no, I don't think its something to get upset about still. The grim reality of it is, people do idiotic things to one another, it happens all the time. (Remember the crusades, eh you religious people?)

Theres a quote I like in a book I read once on the becoming of a stand up comedian, it said:

There are no sacred cows in comedy.

Pretty much meaning: if its funny, screw what everyone else thinks.

So with that in mind, I leave you this, a simple explanation to why they most likely attacked us. It may not be the most accurate thing in the world, but then again nothing is really explainable, Heres another great quote, from another great book, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as if fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instaintly dissapear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another which states that this has already happened.

I read the Books and in the third book life the universe and everything you figure out why the bowl of paturias says "oh no not again".
In around chapter 18 or 13 a monster comes up to Arthor and says that he is going to kill him for arthor killing the monster
the monster has been reincarnated manytimes one time he was a rabbit and got ran over by arthor and when he was dead for the last time when arthor presses the improbability drive he forces the monster to become a bowl of patunias who sees arthor and says the words oh no not again. befor he got forced to live again. the bowl of patunias and the whale ( the monsters brother ) where thermo-nuklear bombs about to kill everyone.

and my favorit quoat from the book

In the beguining the universe was created. this made alot of people very mad and was widely considerd a bad move

so with that I say one thing.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 07:23:34 PM by General Omega »

I read the Books and in the third book life the universe and everything you figure out why the bowl of paturias says "oh no not again".
In around chapter 18 or 13 a monster comes up to Arthor and says that he is going to kill him for arthor killing the monster
the monster has been reincarnated manytimes one time he was a rabbit and got ran over by arthor and when he was dead for the last time when arthor presses the improbability drive he forces the monster to become a bowl of patunias who sees arthor and says the words oh no not again. befor he got forced to live again. the bowl of patunias and the whale ( the monsters brother ) where thermo-nuklear bombs about to kill everyone.

and my favorit quoat from the book

In the beguining the universe was created. this made alot of people very mad and was widely considerd a bad move

so with that I say one thing.


Yes, Life, the Universe and Everything told why, I was just quoting it to show how much we don't know about our universe. And if you noticed, the second part of the quote was the opening to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

better government

I disagree, the US government is corrupted. All the US goverment cares about is making money, they do not care about the common good. Bush is a perfect example. Oil is almost $100 a barrel and the government says that they will look into it and see if there is price gouging, we all know that oil can be alot cheaper than $100 dollars a barrel. The oil corporations have made the most money in the last few years than ever. I'm pretty sure there is some price gouging going on.

But If you look around in the mid to front of LUE you will find that It has that quoat. My least favorit of the books was mostly harmless cus everyone died and I just got into that book when I got done.

better government

I disagree, the US government is corrupted. All the US goverment cares about is making money, they do not care about the common good. Bush is a perfect example. Oil is almost $100 a barrel and the government says that they will look into it and see if there is price gouging, we all know that oil can be alot cheaper than $100 dollars a barrel. The oil corporations have made the most money in the last few years than ever. I'm pretty sure there is some price gouging going on.

But do the Terrorists know that? No. Do We know that? Not many of us. And thus, those who don't spread the lie that we're perfect. It all fits.

But If you look around in the mid to front of LUE you will find that It has that quoat. My least favorit of the books was mostly harmless cus everyone died and I just got into that book when I got done.

Well Mostly Harmless wasn't meant to be the last book, Douglas Adams just died of (I still believe is an) unknow reason, and thus never continued the series. Then they made that rubbish movie that only the fans would like (like myself, I personally loved it, but friends say otherwise) and that turns even more people away from the movie.

"And then God disappeared in a puff of logic"

Fu[SIZE=0pt].[/SIZE]ck you. I hope you burn in hell and die young.
Wow, I just want to punch you right now. What offends you about this sooo much that you would condemn someone to eternal hellfire? What is your problem? Nothing you can do makes you deserve such a thing. You seriously need to grow up. 9/11 was 6 years ago. You seriously need to get over it. Life goes on.

I think your WTC is a fail. Looks nothing like the real thing.
2/10 for effort.

I build life-like landmarks in Blockland.

Here's my (WIP) WTC Complex. The towers and surrounding buildings are just a shell right now.

This i think is 3 WTC(not sure of #s)  looking up at the towers:

This shot is looking down at Tower 1:

This is looking up:

well anyways, i won't post anymore. This is hi-jacking another persons thread with my own work that I don't want getting mixed up with his crap.

So you're adding interior to that?

Still Will has a pretty nice WTC model.

About Taliban people and Afghanistan, there was a time when the U.S. paid and armed them to fight the Soviets, back in the 1980's.

Still Will has a pretty nice WTC model.

About Taliban people and Afghanistan, there was a time when the U.S. paid and armed them to fight the Soviets, back in the 1980's.

well duh, we didn't want to war with soviets. so the next best thing is to arm their next enemies to fight for us lol
was successful, and no one knew about it till it was over. best conflict ever :p

What happened to you building the kitchen?
2.3 / 10.

Ok. Ok. I dont want anybody to get the wrong Idea. I know somebody that died in 9/11 who was very very close to me. She was just 22 years old and a fresh collage grad. I wanted to make this build as a tribute to the people, Not to make fun of them. I want everybody to know that before calling me names or anything of that sort.

1: about da towers
-was lucky enough to be ontop of the towers before such a thing ever happened, yay me.

-I think its o.k. to build this WITH a plane in it cause its just a game, its not like you see the pic saying "I R WINRAR!!1!!!one!!!!" and you see a plane about to crash in da towers.

-I also bealive that the tower+plane idea is very horribly mainly in the case of possibly bringing the US goverment to bealive that this is a message of terrorists, thats my idea.

-I also bealive that the tower+plane idea is very horribly mainly in the case of possibly bringing the US goverment to bealive that this is a message of terrorists, thats my idea.