Author Topic: Roblox  (Read 19709 times)

I just saw an ad for it while looking around at the adult section on NewGrounds and thought, wth? Why not? I got it, played it, sucks, there is no way that game can even come CLOSE to Blockland, I couldn't even figure out how to build! Anytime I joined a "place", all I would do was get yelled at or get killed until I got frustrated and left. My advice, screw roblox.

I bet you're not over eightteen.

Wow, I really wasn't expecting that...

silly young'lings. a fight to the death i say

Fight we shall make.

At least I'M legal. I can wank with will.

why do you want to wank with will? D:

your gay?

why do you want to wank with will? D:
I laughed my ass off, but srsly now, we get the idea, Roblox deserves to be lead behind a shed and shot, threads like this have been done before and have gotten nowhere other than everyone agreeing that it sucks balls... don't spam the forum with crap like this >.>