Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 1001546 times)

you get masterlegojoltener

* blaman inserts potato

You get deep fried french fries saturated in fat.

* ·•{ Awoken } inserts mercury from an old, broken thermometer.

The machine rejects it and spits it out, so it goes down your throat. You die.
* travismick inserts Awoken's dead body.

You find jesus in the bottom.

* Eryehk inserts a Blade used by a emo.

You get AIDS or some other blode-borne disease.
* travismick inserts Eryehk's dead body.

(Mercury never hurt anyone... Some goes with lead... Look at me... Well, bad example.)

You get an image of yourself, as you are now, but with a better life. You didn't get into the emo/gay phase. You had a cute girlfriend at your side, a puppy you bought for her. You didn't have those broken ribs your father gave you when he found you with another guy last summer under the town bridge. You didn't have black eye liner on to cover up the black eye your mother gave you a week ago for stealing her black high-heals.

* ·•{ Awoken } inserts the saying, "Lifes a Bitch."

[Edit] - Added something.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 07:53:20 PM by ·•{ Awoken } »

You get a card saying "True."
* travismick insets the card cuz he has no use for it.

You get more failure in life.

* ·•{ Awoken } inserts a king sized Snickers candy bar.

You get a fun size Snickers bar,
* travismick inserts his head to see where the hell all this random crap is coming from.

your head gets set on fire by a random murderer stuck inside the machine with a blowtorch

*J.C. inserts the rest of your corpse after the murderer finishes decapitating you with his own teef that he pulled out

We almost had this thing down for 3 days!  :cookieMonster:

your head gets set on fire by a random murderer stuck inside the machine with a blowtorch

*J.C. inserts the rest of your corpse after the murderer finishes decapitating you with his own teef that he pulled out

You get pure unsatiated EVIL!

*Sparrow puts in a cake*

Instead of writing *LOCKED* on the topic, wouldn't it be better to actually lock it?

you get a "1 Credits" added to your inventory

* Muffinmix inserts the life under the sea/

your head gets set on fire by a random murderer stuck inside the machine with a blowtorch

*J.C. inserts the rest of your corpse after the murderer finishes decapitating you with his own teef that he pulled out

You get pure unsatiated EVIL!

*Sparrow puts in a cake*

Instead of writing *LOCKED* on the topic, wouldn't it be better to actually lock it?

Or put unlocked topic?

you get crabs. :'(

* stevey1000 insorts awfel speeling.