Author Topic: Clan [USSR]  (Read 112704 times)

he said he wanted a vote, so there it is

so far we are winnin lol

except for the rest of the world, because the world obviosuly can't vote only 1 or 2

that is how many google searches come up not an actual fight lol we would probly win

Lmfao you guys are probably little chicken stuffs who get your asses owned all day everyday at school so you come on here and try to act all big and bad and stuff cause you know no one would waste the time to come kick your wimpy little ass.

I ll flame all i want here since i do remember how much you flamed my clan one hmm carma wut goes round comes round and i guess its ur turn now!

forget USSR!


Ratty you can't teach Spelling and grammar to n00bs.

Like teaching Helen Keller

Ehem @Facechild you should locks this topic and move to your own site and there ban 76 Cougar and Goofyman...

Ahhh... It's been a long time, Blockland, but now i'm back, just with a diffferent name... (It WAS GeneMech). Right what did i come in here for? Oh, right, just to ask a few questions to the [USSR] Clan. Well fellas, first off, I'm just letting you know, you guys are doing well???? to my old clan that I origionally created a long time ago. Secondly, are ANY off you Soviet? and if you're less than 15 years old, you truly can't be (Berlin wall was brought down at that time). Finally, you guys, from what I can see from other peoples comments you guys are richards. I'm not sure how, b/c I haven't seen you with my own eyes i can't say anything truly bad. If you guys are truly bad people, you do a huge dishonor to my old clan and myself as a ex-soviet.


Ahhh... It's been a long time, Blockland, but now i'm back, just with a diffferent name... (It WAS GeneMech). Right what did i come in here for? Oh, right, just to ask a few questions to the [USSR] Clan. Well fellas, first off, I'm just letting you know, you guys are doing well???? to my old clan that I origionally created a long time ago. Secondly, are ANY off you Soviet? and if you're less than 15 years old, you truly can't be (Berlin wall was brought down at that time). Finally, you guys, from what I can see from other peoples comments you guys are richards. I'm not sure how, b/c I haven't seen you with my own eyes i can't say anything truly bad. If you guys are truly bad people, you do a huge dishonor to my old clan and myself as a ex-soviet.

Read pg.1 We aren't based on any former clans.We don't care about your prior affiations. No, we aren't richards, we are responding to flames from people we allegeby were banned for "spamming". No we aren't younger than 15, I myself am almost 17, as for new members they are ok and I'm sure even if they are younger than 15 that they act older (more responsible). Yes some of us are/have relations with Russia prior to the 1989-1990 End of USSR.

You can come to our servers if you want your own opinon, just don't spam or be a douche like the flamers in this thread. We are a builder clan and build many things which are related to Soviet Era designs and just general cool stuff.

                        ~Thanks for not flaming

Well, I'm glad, you think I'll be able to join? Or something? I love to build rather than fight. Also, when BL started out, I built weapons all the time, some gave me the nickname of "The Weapons Master". Others were jealous and called me a cigarette and stuff. I love to build buildings as well, but I don't get inspiration until I see something actually worth building. Well, tell me any info I need to join... Or not join.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 10:33:07 PM by fps_gene »

Woot USSR won and cougar and goofy got 2 results. USSR!!! USSR!!!! USSR!!!!

I'm out of the USSR. Reasons: well nothin, don't wanna bring shame to them if I act like an idiot in a drunken rage m'kay? No hard feelings.