Crazy Bitch

Author Topic: Crazy Bitch  (Read 8607 times)

Dude, it's a forum. I don't want to be reading hundreds of post of stuff like "Hey guys Im going to get a snack brb."

Read the edit, dumbforget.

I went to bed, dipstuff. For the moment, I'm going to school.
You could of at least made a mention so people wouldn't speculate that you pussied out.

My last post was at 9:45pm. I'm in the bed by 10:00. I posted and went to bed. You'll stop at no end for another insult, will you?

Eheh, this is why I love not living in a country filled with inbreeds and god praisers.

And yet, through some bizarre series of events, despite having a complete and total lack of moral crusaders in Australia, you still happen to have the lovely OFLC, which under pressure from religious organizations, added the warning "May contain supernatural themes" to Harry Potter. :D

Eheh, this is why I love not living in a country filled with inbreeds and god praisers.

And yet, through some bizarre series of events, despite having a complete and total lack of moral crusaders in Australia, you still happen to have the lovely OFLC, which under pressure from religious organizations, added the warning "May contain supernatural themes" to Harry Potter. :D
Are you loving KIDDING ME? God DAMNIT. I hate all Christians. Every single one of them. Everyone that defines themselves as a Christian should be shoveled into ovens and baked. Urrrrggg.

Edit: Didn't see what Bones had said.

I went to bed, dipstuff. For the moment, I'm going to school.

 It's not meant to be taken literally when you Bible tells you that it is a parable. There is a difference between a story and a damn textbook. In the cases that you posted people should die...  if you actually take time to interprete the material, you'de see that that is a spiritual death -Hell. I love how I'm attacked for what I believe. I don't ever see anyone else being attacked for their belief no matter what it is... as long as it's not Christianity, God forbid it be that! Does no one think it's a tad bit foolish to be intolerant of someone's belief? Iban, what are you gaining from harassing me? Does it make you happy? You do not see me preaching, only defending myself. All I'm asking for is tolerance, however, I can see that will not happen. I am not throwing the white flag, but I am realizing how pointless it is to argue with you.
If I say I said that some Klansmen went to a black guy's house and 'stoned him to death', you would not assume 'Oh, they merely sat him down and informed him that because of his skin color he was a degenerate.' All of what you say is utter bullstuff. Absolute bullstuff. It's completely unfathomable to see it your way because the absurdity. I cant even think of a cunning brown townogy for what you're saying: it's just too outrageous. A person, a law, a moral set of loving guidelines do NOT use the word "Kill", "put to death", "stone", "abomination" to loving say things like "go to hell", "be rejected by the community."

You're attacked for what you believe because it's absurd. Not only is what you believe utterly foolish on so many levels, but your 'kind' pushes what you believe on other people. Christianity has prevented Stem Cell research, Christianity has prevented children from reading good fantasy literature, Christianity has prevented the prevention unwanted birth, Christianity has stalled many contraceptives, Christianity has put a bad stigma on Homoloveuals, Christianity has raped little boys, Christianity has killed thousands of jews and other people, Christianity has done SO MUCH MORE than Judaism. All Christianity is is a collection of dumbstuff rules made my people under Roman oppression 2,000 years ago who needed an explanation for why life sucked SO BAD. And then all these dumbstuffs got together and forgeted (then got married so they wouldn't be exiled by their town), raised more brainwashed dumbstuffs, and the cycle continued. You'd think after the Dark Ages ended and rulers no longer used Christianity and Divine Right to control the peasants, the entire thing would just die out. That wasn't the case, and like a loving genetic disease Christianity contaminated the future generations and will for for years to come.

And it's not pointless to debate with me. I throw in valid points. I only argue with derogatory flames. If anything I said here was incorrect, PLEASE correct me, for I only know what I have learned.

Dude, it's a forum. I don't want to be reading hundreds of post of stuff like "Hey guys Im going to get a snack brb."
There's a difference between getting up for some Cheesey Poofs and going to sleep for 6 hours, completely leaving any discussion you were in open ended.

I went to bed, dipstuff. For the moment, I'm going to school.
You could of at least made a mention so people wouldn't speculate that you pussied out.

My last post was at 9:45pm. I'm in the bed by 10:00. I posted and went to bed. You'll stop at no end for another insult, will you?
I merely said it would of been respectful to inform people that you were going to sleep. Because you did not, it looks like you backed out of the argument, hence being a pusillanimous individual.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 08:55:45 AM by IbanZ »

"Thank god for AIDS." Someone with AIDS should go rape her then ask her what she thinks about this whole godly wraith business. :cookieMonster:

"Thank god for AIDS." Someone with AIDS should go rape her then ask her what she thinks about this whole godly wraith business. :cookieMonster:
In one of her movies she boldly declares that nothing like AIDS or death among her family have occurred because god loves her so much. I'd very much love to see something terrible happen to them. Even when an arsonist burnt down their establishment, they declared that God would have his vengeance on him.

"Thank god for AIDS." Someone with AIDS should go rape her then ask her what she thinks about this whole godly wraith business. :cookieMonster:
In one of her movies she boldly declares that nothing like AIDS or death among her family have occurred because god loves her so much. I'd very much love to see something terrible happen to them. Even when an arsonist burnt down their establishment, they declared that God would have his vengeance on him.
But that makes no sense, because according to her belief, wouldn't it have been god that burnt down her establishment?

And yet, through some bizarre series of events, despite having a complete and total lack of moral crusaders in Australia, you still happen to have the lovely OFLC, which under pressure from religious organizations, added the warning "May contain supernatural themes" to Harry Potter. :D
Are you loving KIDDING ME? God DAMNIT. I hate all Christians. Every single one of them. Everyone that defines themselves as a Christian should be shoveled into ovens and baked. Urrrrggg.

It was a combination of fundamentalist Muslim and Christian groups. The point I was trying to make was that Australia has it's fair share of conservative religious bodies too.


But seriously, I want to ram a wire down this womans throat.

We have a national guard for a reason, to protect on country from invasions. and here these religous nut cases thinking its ok to mock the soldiers that protect us.


But seriously, I want to ram a wire down this womans throat.
Me too, but not because she's a religion psycho, but because she's proof that even handicaps can form legitimate sentences.   

ive seen a few churches that support our troops(they could be scamming us just to get some ching), not all of the christian are what you think iban, but most are what you think(i hate them to) ,but any one who thanks god for the death of some one should go die in a ditch.

I hate how ass hats like this give Christians a bad name. Pisses me off.


But seriously, I want to ram a wire down this womans throat.
Me too, but not because she's a religion psycho, but because she's proof that even handicaps can form legitimate sentences.   
You have no idea what you're talking about.