Author Topic: How to package decals  (Read 256557 times)

Oh. Thought you meant PRINTS.

i made a decal and zipped and named it and its not showing in BL

i made a decal and zipped and named it and its not showing in BL
Does it follow like this?
Directly in the .zip:

In the folder: "thumbs" in the .zip:

Replace SetFacename with an example, say: "MemeAngelface".
Sorry for crappy JPEG, Photoshop was taking too long.

i dont have thumbs folder
but i ddint need 1 for my face to works

Make it look like that though, before you release.

im not realeasing it for now but, why isnt it showing up? :panda:

No idea. Try Re-Making it, Re-Installing Blockland, or get rid of piece of crap Add-Ons.

No idea. Try Re-Making it, , or get rid of piece of crap Add-Ons.
i dont have reason to re install blockland becuz everythign else works(also i already have re installed it like 10 times due to it freezing on object load) and i did get rid of stuff add ons

Any Transparency (Alpha) supported image editing program. (MSpaint.exe does NOT count.)

Yes, thumbnails are 64x64. Yes, you can use 256x256.
So how big do face decals need to be?

So how big do face decals need to be?
They need to be 256x256. Sort of in between this area:

So it fits in with hats/helmets.

This tutorial rocks! You shall see new prints coming from me soon. :3

Take your pick, I recommend something free, open source, and licensed under the GPL or some similar license.
Does paint shop pro work? i think it has both of them and more. hehehe
GOD i cant stop saying hehehe