Author Topic: D&R Vehicle: Motorbike, Motorbike+Side-car  (Read 37540 times)

ummmm monty at least some of us don't use random stuff as a comeback :/ and its A hero not AN hero, stay in school not stay at ur computer all day. rooster

His comeback made as much sense as your post.
"An hero" was a term used by an idiot's handicapped friend when the idiot committed Self Delete over an iPod.
rooster. :cookieMonster:

@Monty, can't wait for the machine gun. :D

ummmm monty at least some of us don't use random stuff as a comeback :/ and its A hero not AN hero, stay in school not stay at ur computer all day. rooster
Too bad your post stinks of irony.

@Monty, can't wait for the machine gun. :D
Which machine gun are you referring to?

Sidecar is fail.
You just put a sidecar on a dirt bike...

Sidecar is fail.
You just put a sidecar on a dirt bike...

And the model doesn't have to be just one color, it hurts my eyes!


 Its way too tippy and falls into the terrain.

i took a dare and drove the motorbike into the water. all that happened was i kept changing direction, i was in the water for about 3 seconds and it spat me out into the air and i just kept flying and flying and everytime i hit the ground i just bounced back up. kinda weird but funny.

LOVE THE BIKE MAN I GIVE 5/5 THAT MEANS 5 COOKIES :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster:

You should work on the steering a bit, It looks like a motorbike bit it steers like a scooter in a unnerves with very different physics.

LOVE THE BIKE MAN I GIVE 5/5 THAT MEANS 5 COOKIES :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster:


Here's the more professional way...

 :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
                :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:


 Its way too tippy and falls into the terrain.

This post made me laugh my head off.

Have any of you even rode a real motorbike? It's very hard to keep it straight. I wanted to make it realistic so I made it impossible to do sharp turns without owning yourself, like in real life.
And there is nothing wrong with the code.

Too bad your post stinks of irony.
Which machine gun are you referring to?

THAT machine gun, now. Actually, I was referring to a post I think you made here. You said you might mount a machine gun on the bike, right?

I downloaded this and it is pretty good!  Making jumps is fun! XD
10  :cookie: s for you!

The passenger seat is pretty awesome. I'm downloading it soon..  :cookie: