Author Topic: AIP Official Blockland Thread  (Read 19250 times)


AIP have been around for some time but we never thought of Blockland movies, untill now...
So far we have only made six films but we only started on 1/4/06. From now on all new movies will be posted here :

The Great Fall :

The Pink Series
The Pink Series : Part 1 The Pink Vandal

The Pink Series : Part 2 The Pink Infection

Spation's :

Shadow's :

This is for Shadow's movies :
The Fight :

Cops and Robbers :

End of The World :
CIA REPORT : End Of The World :

Spat's End of The World :

Blockass :
Spation's Speciality

Bathtub Diving :

About Blockass:
Blockass is a collection and mix of different clips, stunts and idiotic things. There have been many poeple in the assistance of making this film, including :
  • Spation
  • Nige111
  • Shadow
  • Shadowed
  • Barnabas
  • Storeclerk
  • DrDroid
  • and Thelegodude(You might not think you helped.. but in a way you did)
    We are using anything we can to make this film as funny and exciting by :
    . Using new vehicles
    [li]Pyrotechnics at every turn
  • Nige111 is even making a trolley for the beggining(Unless he's given up)
  • We are deleting anything that can't be used properly
  • And on any stunts we make sure they go without a hitch(well except some)

Feel free to rate these films x/10

The filming for The Pink Series : Part 3 The Pink Menace has been held-back due to lack of buildings on the set. The current buildings are great. If you are considering helping but don't want to make a house and furniture and everything, it is just a set. It needs no interiors unless you realy think it's necesary. We can't post a release date yet ; we don't know when the set will be finished. I would like to thank everyone who has help out with the set, you've done a great job.

Spation is making a new film. BLOCKASS! inspired by JACKASS!
Blockass preview being released soon.

Upcoming Films :
Spation's Speciality : Spation's add-on for the upcoming film Blockass
CIA REPORT : End Of The World : A report on The End Of The World
Bathtub Diving : A small diving competition held in the bathtub made by Gizmo
Spat's End Of The World : Spation does something unexpected in The End Of The World

« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 01:53:18 PM by Spation »

The pink vandal doenst work

Are you trying to view it or download it? I think both work but i'm not entirely sure

EDIT : Ok checked. I think they both work..
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 02:34:46 PM by Spation »

Download it it says We no longer offer direct links

Realy? That's a forum link, Not a direct...

I think the download now works because my sources(Shadow) has told me 14 people have downloaded it..
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 03:21:44 PM by Spation »

Your movies need better plots, these are things people do everyday in Blockland.

I know my movies' plots aren't the greatest either, but mine are better than these.

Do you even understand why i made this? To make people laugh. Not to make people think. Thinking hurts

P.S i don't think that the plot of the 2nd one was average and ordinary..

Plots don't have to be complicated, you don't even need a good "plot" you could have a basis. Like my movies.

Take Cereal Life for example, its about what a lego man watches on TV. Your movies are what people in Blockland do everyday. If they wanted to see a movie about that they would play it themselves.

both movies 10/10! very funny :D
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 11:38:01 PM by Masterlegodude »

so wat 1 u like best? i like pink vandals....the next episodes will be much funnier*i hope* it will probly be on the forums....6pm BST(British Summer Time) i cant wait :P until then.....cya! :cookieMonster:

Maybe 6pm is a bit far-fetched but i'll do my best and be as quick as possible. I've already chosen the music...

kk so at 6pm we make next episode! :cookieMonster:

Eh.. sorry, but that didn't make me laugh, not even smile. :(

ok....anyway we have made our second episode....spation will post it shortly after we have uploaded it,btw there are 2,1 made by me(begginer) and 1 made by spation(better than me lol)  :cookieMonster:

Yeh the 2 sides of the infection...