Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8863329 times)

motherloving bertolli's chicken pasta thing

included is my pinky, because someone is going to complain that im not in the picture

>sees Malestrom's pic
>notice glasses
>-50 respect(?) points for Malestrom
Sorry :c


Y u make restaurant chefs go out of business


beautiful eyes

It's funny because as I viewed her pic, I had my hand on my chin like that and had the same expression



Sorry :c
the fault was not yours, but the terrible world of music and entertainment our age has ushered in which has controlled your brain to buy such "glasses", could they be called such.

IM going to draw y'all a photo and y'all will love it so much. it will make up for the glasses

IM going to draw y'all a photo and y'all will love it so much. it will make up for the glasses

also Stella has pretty eyes <3

Malestrom, make sure I'm in the picture!

also Stella has pretty eyes <3
W...what about me? Mine are blue.

Here <3

 Aw, how do I get on that list?