You can shoot both through a .223 Wylde dumbass. You're only truly a loser if you dress up in airsoft gear and then post a bathroom mirror selfie of your rifle on a lego forum.
I've never fired an airsoft gun before
I wouldn't recommend it. stuff kicks like a horse.
this, i've been shot in the ass once with an airsoft shotgun at point blank, hurt like hell forget you hunter for doing that
No I'm talking about the recoil. It feels like you're chucking cannonballs.
When you think about it, there's actually a 50-50 chance that Sheepocalypse has never even fired a gun before in his life. The math is actually quite elementary. I can't speak on your behalf but... those odds aren't great.
even european twig arms here has shot a gun its not special 'crook'