Author Topic: Mech  (Read 36254 times)

now that i have really used it, its REALLY weak.

ok, would you mind putting the fireworks and f18 stuff on front page?

Just realized you have a uiName on the datablock... Meh.


Needs custom sounds and explosions.

EPIC AWESOME!!!!! this is like.....the best vihicle so far..... so........epic........DOWNLOA DING NOW :D

Maek Sniper Mech. Long Distance Fast shots with a slow reload. Deadly accuracy though. Or maybe a MediMech Can heal other mechs? Has a HUGE amount of life and can heal other mechs, but sadly not itself. Has ammo as well so they don't just sit there and continually heal someone.

wont shoot for me =(
maybe im downloading it wrong

Did you enable gun and RL and disable the F16?

Did you enable gun and RL and disable the F16?
and onbottouch/bot/setplayerscale/2.000 =Profit
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 09:05:39 PM by nova-Pico-rune »

Did you enable gun and RL and disable the F16?

You don't have to enable those 2 anymore.

You don't have to enable those 2 anymore.
F18 you mean and no i did not
Oh get over yourself >.>

I was gonna post this on Mech, mech heavy, and mech light, but i decided on just this. I like this. It's pretty awesome. Except, when fighting small targets like little people running around beneath you, and zombies, its weak.  The bullets are massive,(that's a plus to me), but they never go to the sight, its annoying having to turn slightly in one direction to hit something. Heavy would be the best, because you can rocket jump to your hearts desire while driving it. Also the view is a little cramped. Especially in light. I have almost no room   
to shoot. Backing up while shooting is unbecoming of a massive robot with giant guns. Other than that, these are excellent.