Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4271439 times)

when did he get banned
all his (tgawt) posts got removed sometime in the past day or two

you dont need to be afraid of propeller penguin, propeller penguin doesnt exi-

so is it a robot that looks like a penguin robotnik style or is it actually a cybernetically augmented penguin that had its arms removed and reattached with bigass screws and had a radar embedded into its skull and its entire life is ceaseless pain and it's just begging for the agony to end

propeller penguin divebomb prototype

needs better particle fx, animation that isn't buggy as stuff, animation that looks better in general, etc
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 02:14:46 AM by Gytyyhgfffff »

propeller penguin divebomb prototype

needs better particle fx, animation that isn't buggy as stuff, animation that looks better in general, etc
you dont need to be afraid of propeller penguin, propeller penguin doesnt exi-

how did you do the spinny white circle thing part? it looks partially transparent and im not sure how you do that with shaders

thats the saw tamohawk magic from quake pack. i think its just a texture

yes but its not clear how to do that on a non-projectile

and im just lazy and dont want to wade through bushido's file formatting bullstuff

yes but its not clear how to do that on a non-projectile

and im just lazy and dont want to wade through bushido's file formatting bullstuff
i just enabled transparency/additive material in port's exporter. for the uv mapping, i have no clue. i literally just copy/pasted the shape from bushido's tomahawk

you may have to do .setNodeColor("ALL", "1 1 1 1"); for it to show up correctly, i don't remember. player objects are weird when it comes to this sort of stuff

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 04:40:15 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

how many schedules are you on right now to make them float so nicely