Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3994787 times)


Go for blender, it's hard, but worth it.

He Speaks the truth :3 

I probably shouldn't release this.


Go for blender, it's hard, but worth it.
i actually tried using that before, ill try it again if you find me some good tutorials

Underwater scubaing?

Yes :D

The problem its held in two hands, and the hands turn into each other when crouching, and this mod is intended to be used while crouching. So I'm going to make two models and see if I can make one be used when crouching, and one when standing.

i actually tried using that before, ill try it again if you find me some good tutorials
The blender site has a ton of tutorials and even a couple of books on their site, and the blender artist forums has a whole section of tutorials as well as a support section.

I made this using the spin tool in blender, nothing to complex but I like the way it turned out.

I've spend the last hour or so on blender making a little game where your a box that pushes a brick wall down. All 2D, however all the objects are 3D. So when you push down a wall its looks all epic.

Did some basic tutorials. Figured out armatures and the spin tool. It's always good to learn the simple stuff.

My attempt at the Mad Hatter in Blockland, but it didn't work right in-game, so I stopped bothering with it.

How didn't it work? I used to have an old script for hats. Think I could try messing with it?

It was really strange. Only one of the hair stem things rendered in-game, and I couldn't think of a single thing as to why that would occur.

I probably shouldn't release this.
I don't care about the blocko thing, because that looks like an epic toy car.

Toy car... hah.
It's a real car, and it just looks small in the picture.

Real one looks like this:

Well, I didn't mean to insult it if that is what it seems like, I was just saying. Blockland figures are toy people, they drive toy cars and shoot with toy guns.

I know, I didn't take it as offensive, I just thought you were saying that it looked really small.

I know someone who has that car. Or had it, his garage burned down a while ago :D

Silly golf cart caught on fire.