Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4370872 times)

That's cool, reminds me of Ace of Spades :)
Thank you :D

Actually its very simplistic like AoS because the more detailed it is the more it would lag in BL.

Keep in mind this isn't the final version, if I rigged this they would walk like Minecraft players.

Keep in mind this isn't the final version, if I rigged this they would walk like Minecraft players.

forget no. make knees and elbows and make them bend as he walks, that would look a whole lot better.

forget no. make knees and elbows and make them bend as he walks, that would look a whole lot better.
Thats what I'm doing now :I

I said I wasn't going to release them like that, those are more of a showcase type of model I made for any new playertypes I make.

Tomorrow I'm going to work on a Sniper and possibly a Rocket or Grenade expert.

The Blockland community is not as twisted as the Team Fortress community that can take a series of 'mph's and turn it into Morse code
it is. i no u jsut translated my code, but shh don't tell anyone!

What the forget are you talking about. How does Blender properly rendering two triangles as a quad affect how it's rendered in Blockland? Protip: It doesn't. Your model will have triangulation in Blockland. I bet you have more of it than this but you render with mood lighting which isn't good for geometry.

It does work that way actually. I have a few models that have the appearance of having bad triangulation from Blender's rendering via the camera. It does not look that way in BL. As long as you set that face to be a quad in Blender during editing, it will stay a quad.


Heres proof

« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 05:02:44 PM by ShadowsfeaR »

ooo i'll switch to blender!

done switched just now

Does anybody have a link for rigging playertypes?

I want to try V1 of my solider with simple movement.

ooo i'll switch to blender!

done switched just now
lie thats not blender

Fuuuuck meeee.
I saw it was page 1947, decided to make detailed AK.
Near the very loving end, Reload startup file misclick.
No save.
Now I'm all, "forget detail, I'll stick with this."
Edit-Noticed I colored part of the metal wood in my frustrated attempt to finish the model.
Download is in picture
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 09:02:45 PM by The Corporation »

Update. The white edges are just caused by the texture. I know how to fix it and will.

Awww its so cute whats it for?

Awww its so cute whats it for?
A game he will reveal some time later

Awww its so cute whats it for?
Squideey's fabulous wrench party 2000