Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4370875 times)

wtf is it
and why do i feel like "anatomy" is the least of the things to be worried about

also, could someone please remind me how to fix the inverted lighting of a model in-game with blender? found it yay
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 06:35:39 PM by RagnaTheBroedge »


wtf is it
and why do i feel like "anatomy" is the least of the things to be worried about

also, could someone please remind me how to fix the inverted lighting of a model in-game with blender?

Just because I made it I'm supposed to know what it is? Also, Is it bad? good? It's only the second thing I've made so I would like some feedback.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 06:53:44 PM by Robo »

QUICK KILL IT WITH A KN- forget I did it again..

what are you talking about
that is CLEARLY our lord and savior jesus christ manifest
don't discriminate just because he happens to BE an arm cannon

no, it looks more like an arm cannon
it's like a mega buster
times 84723532432489237849273948723 98463872

no guys stop beign stopd

its the JICK

i was going to be king of my birth year but blender is being a gigantic ass right now


cant toch dis

Reminds me of something I made ages ago and did nothing with, lazy render because I really can't be bothered making a nice one for such an old model.

My arm is a GAU-8 irl so I can relate.

My arm is a GAU-8 irl so I can relate.

It must be hard to type and eat and masturbate with that

Looks cool Racer.

But, the scope seems to be blocked by one of the barrels


the iron sights technically work, i just need to adjust the offset so that they actually do something
i'm also probably going to shorten it a bunch so it doesn't look so silly
once that's all done with i'll make a modification discussion topic for the whole pack as i continue making 'em

My arm is a GAU-8 irl so I can relate.
and i don't doubt it, too
must be tough accomplishing... anything at all, huh