Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4356868 times)

ill wreck ur stuff m8 come at me i aint kiddin

BRUH I am SO READY for a mad max game mode

[img ][/img]

ill wreck ur stuff m8 come at me i aint kiddin
you bettr make a custom turret bot so you can put that stuff in the back and make this even cooler than it is atm

if you do i can help you with animating it; coding it would probably be just ripping the default tank cannon code and turning it into an automatic thing but idk if i can spare the time to write that
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 05:10:07 PM by Conan »

ill wreck ur stuff m8 come at me i aint kiddin

What a day, what a lovely day..

Guys stahp you're making me want to mod vehicles again... D:

Guys stahp you're making me want to mod vehicles again... D:
make one nerd

Guys stahp you're making me want to mod vehicles again... D:
D: why not?

WIP town car that will have a few variants including a police and a taxi

Time to set the materials and make the points n such

I've made three vehicles. 1 with 4 variants, 1 with 3, and another on it's own. There's even a police car in the sedan pack as well!

All i really have to make now is a few heavy vehicles, a pickup truck, a few roadsters and coupes and cars and I'll be done!

you should add the little dots at the points of the star, for that authentic police feel