Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4352589 times)

Modeling this was worse than hell and I hate the model for it now
Watch in 3D, lad

EDIT: O stuff I couldve edited my last post

Thanks lad

Problem, how the center the weapon above the brick since it seems to do at origin
But the origin is also where you hold it
what do
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 04:30:42 PM by espio100 »

Got this in-game now, still in the process of making it work.

Thanks lad

Problem, how the center the weapon above the brick since it seems to do at origin
But the origin is also where you hold it
what do

theres two potential causes of this:
- a vertex/edge located somewhere behind the stock (check blender or ms3d for any stray lines floating around and delete them)
    torque calculates size and center of model by getting the dimensions. If there are any parts of the model floating around, either behind, below, ontop, the dimensions get calculated with that in mind and torque thinks the model is bigger than it should be

-you aren't using mountpoints correctly
    I suggest you position the model so that the supposed mount point (where you hold the gun) is located at the dead center of the grid. Make sure the model grip and mountPoint nodes are moved to the center

oohh, these shorty guns!

conan, these are the best kind of guns i like so much.

i made another gun, this time it's a fiveseven
FiveseveN (Smash that mf "view 3d model" button)

[im g width=600][/img]
[im g width=600][/img]
Where did you get that player model?
Nvm, figured it out by importing the default m.dts
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 11:53:23 PM by Cruxeis »

These are the first things I ever modeled that aren't doors, please don't be too hard on me. I appreciate all criticism, I want to get better at this modeling thing asap.

Mark 45 gun

Goalkeeper CIWS

Expect to see these in game sometime soon.

cute fiveseven alex

Not sure why we'd be hard on you, because those are awesome. Although, the Mark 45 looks a little bit narrow, although I presume the real life design is narrow too.

One google image search later, and yes, it is narrow too.
Is this related to the revival of OceanCo?

theres two potential causes of this:
- a vertex/edge located somewhere behind the stock (check blender or ms3d for any stray lines floating around and delete them)
    torque calculates size and center of model by getting the dimensions. If there are any parts of the model floating around, either behind, below, ontop, the dimensions get calculated with that in mind and torque thinks the model is bigger than it should be

-you aren't using mountpoints correctly
    I suggest you position the model so that the supposed mount point (where you hold the gun) is located at the dead center of the grid. Make sure the model grip and mountPoint nodes are moved to the center

Putting the mountpoint, or origin, in the center and it made things worse

In blender its like this, there arent any stray vertexes or lines

While your whole model is selected in Object Mode, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, select 'Origin to Center of Mass', then press Shift+S, select 'Cursor to Center' (ignore this if Blender's cursor is already at the center of the grid), press Shift+S again, and select 'Selection to Cursor'