Author Topic: survivalRP - holywtf bump! and maybe finishing up some loose ends??  (Read 97992 times)

Lol, I'm hardly doing this, sorry about the trouble, remove from list pl0x.

Milk, will you send me all the files for the RP? Since it seems resources aren't going to get done I'm going to get together all the files, so if a scripter volunteers to finish em up I can send the resources over. Still send me all the files though.

I'm busy with things...

Too busy to spend 5 minutes sending a few files?

Could you guys give us a status update?  Like, tell us whats done, almost done, and not started of the resource mod?

My map is close to completion, just fixing some bugs.

Could you guys give us a status update?  Like, tell us whats done, almost done, and not started of the resource mod?

Scripters stopped working. I'll look for someone else, but... we'll see. Everything was finished but resources, and maybe a little with hunting it sounded like. Also Milk won't send the files over. Does Tom have all of them? Guess I'll PM him.

I suppose that it's too late to jump in to help you guys?

Nope, you can help as much as you want (at least, I say yes, idk about LegoEggo).

Yeah, last night I decided (since the creation of my own day/night script) to work on my old v8 project, SMode (survival mode, which is basically this.)

In five minutes I threw together a resource mockup using a 'Special' input event to store data (credits to Trigun for the idea) on bricks, and a resource array on the player (and a simple /scavenge command that you have to be 30 units away from the last place you used it to use).

Seriously not much was done here in 100 pages :P McTwist and I could probably remake a lot of it quickly.

I suppose that it's too late to jump in to help you guys?

Since some of our scripters stopped working you can finish up the last bit if you want. Resources, and maybe some AI scripting for hunting. If you want I'll get you the files ASAP.

You can send me the files, and I can tell you later on how I will do.

Although you guys are almost sone I could help with any scripting and modeling and building. I am new to blockland scripting but after looking at one add on I got I down, I'm really good and maybe that I s because I make apps for the iPhone so I have experience...... Anyway please let me help!

Although you guys are almost sone I could help with any scripting and modeling and building. I am new to blockland scripting but after looking at one add on I got I down, I'm really good and maybe that I s because I make apps for the iPhone so I have experience...... Anyway please let me help!
BIIIIIIG run-on sentance...

Talk to Lego, he's the organizer.  My guess is that, unless you can show us some of your work, he'll say no.

So it may ACTUALLY be finally finished? :D
And glass, damn it, why don't you work on this. :(