
Should he be banned or not?


Author Topic: Woodland Creature: Should his key be revoked  (Read 30552 times)

I have some piece of stuff modem you can't even forward ports with (no joke). My router's pretty good though.

You port forward on the router.

You port forward on the router.

Ports blocked on the modem, stuffty modem with pre-port blocking stuff.

I fought with it for a good week and gave up. Everything else is set up to exact specifications, and then re-set to other specifications that should also work. It's the modem, I hate it.

Oh that sucks. Complain to your ISP.

Oh that sucks. Complain to your ISP.

I did, result:

"What's a port?"

forget 'em.

Next time, ask to talk to a professional, not a call center dropout.


I had a modem like that too. We did talk to tech support, and all they would say is "We do not provide portfowarding for our residential customers". Then a a few months later they started installing new modems, and for some reason they allowed portfowarding!

I had a modem like that too. We did talk to tech support, and all they would say is "We do not provide portfowarding for our residential customers". Then a a few months later they started installing new modems, and for some reason they allowed portfowarding!
Routers control portforwarding. The ISP shouldn't have a say.
What the forget is wrong with them?


A DSL modem is just a fancy that can connect to a phone line for internets. We also have a router for wireless internet, so if I wanted to host on wireless, I would have to also portfoward the normal router.

They just must be over-secure and want more money.