
What type of gamemode should I code first?

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Author Topic: Gamemode Vote  (Read 12899 times)


Real Time Strategy(spelling?) Has always been one of my favorite types of games. Its the best because its like a puzzle that involves skill and a little bit of luck.

There are some scaling issues with an RTS.

Using bots for the units is probably the most convenient option, but also scales the worst at high numbers. Unless you plan to set a severely low cap limit, I suggest using shapes or bricks.

There are some scaling issues with an RTS.

Using bots for the units is probably the most convenient option, but also scales the worst at high numbers. Unless you plan to set a severely low cap limit, I suggest using shapes or bricks.
Yes, I was thinking about that, so far I have it setup so that the player can only have a total of 50 units, there is also a limit on individual units.

So far the test that I had running didn't have a high ping, around 200 with 100 units spawned. I might use individual shapes, not sure how the combat system is going to work for it though.

Also, right now I have the units scaled to 0.1, they look kick ass when they rush together against a other army. All of the unit movement, combat, building and such is handled by a weapon set which includes the following.

Selector - Selects up to the $MaxSelectedUnits variable, Currently 25. This allows multiple functions to take place.

Mover - Moves the selected units to the point that the projectile hits.

Builder - Opens a GUI in which lists the buildings that you can create, I might just make Props for this and set the props up to have special properties when activated and such.

I have an idea that might work, I could make it so that when a unit collides with an enemy unit the players unit will start a schedule that will run every X seconds that spawns a projectile to try and kill the unit, every unit will have a preset amount of health, upon death the unit will decrease the owners total units.

Spawnable Stuff:


$UnitType["Villager"] = "Villager";
$MaxUnitType["Villager"] = 30;
$Cost["Villager"] = 25;

Special Units:

$SpecialUnitType["Catapult"] = "Catapult";
$MaxUnitType["Catapult"] = 10;
$SpecialUnitWoodCost["Catapult"] = 20;
$SpecialUnitStoneCost["Catapult"] = 10;


$Building["TownCenter"] = "Town Center";
$BuildingWoodCost["TownCenter"] = 200;
$BuildingStoneCost["TownCenter"] = 100;

Wow, I got really deep in to this. Hope it isn't to much for me.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 06:29:32 PM by Kunit »

I would help with the RTS thing if you would like.

Why exactly is it like $Building["TownCenter"] = "TownCenter";

I think you should use like $Building[0] = "TownCenter"; because it makes more sense really...
As for units, you can get someone to make a new lower quality model based on how far you can zoom in on them.

Why exactly is it like $Building["TownCenter"] = "TownCenter";

I think you should use like $Building[0] = "TownCenter"; because it makes more sense really...
As for units, you can get someone to make a new lower quality model based on how far you can zoom in on them.

Well, I was going to do it like that, but to allow more specific customization I used the actual name so anyone that wants to make a new building can't possibly mess it up. Also, it was easier to set up building the actual structures with a name rather then an ID. I might be able to rid of the variables for building altogether if I make a prop for each type of building. Most of the clients variables are handled on a global variable to prevent confusion in similar cases. Example: $Gold[%client.getName()];

I would help with the RTS thing if you would like.

Sure, once I get back I'll contact you on Msn.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 06:34:37 PM by Kunit »

There are so any Units for the RTS...

Swordsmen, archers, rocketeers, marksmen...

There are so any Units for the RTS...

Swordsmen, archers, rocketeers, marksmen...
What, the Rts I'm making is going to be medieval set.

I might make a futuristic one later.

Lots of people want Rts, I'm surprised.

Added new gamemode, also reset the votes.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 12:22:20 AM by Kunit »

Ok, so I've decided to make the Blockland Lounge the main gateway to the servers, read the main post if you don't know what it is. Also, should we build the Lounge with bricks, or should we create an interior for it? I'll draw up some plans for the lounge later, or something.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 05:07:24 AM by Kunit »

I also think that RTS is a good idea. I would like to help with this project.

Stranded Stranded Stranded Stranded Stranded

I also think that RTS is a good idea. I would like to help with this project.
Are you an alt?

You came here, said you were going to remake city rp, and actually did it. You're like Azimuth... coming here and having so much experience.

Name: Minigames
About: You choose named bricks as spawns to each minigame, and every round it chooses a random minigame to play. The rest is done with events.
Genre: Other.

Are you an alt?

You came here, said you were going to remake city rp, and actually did it. You're like Azimuth... coming here and having so much experience.
If Kunit accepts me, it will be fun to work with you.