
Is this list worthy of a sticky?

Needs more commands

Author Topic: Big list O' Console Commands!  (Read 127937 times)

How do I learn the projectile name?

Find the add-on, edit the "server.cs" file, and search for "projectile" with Ctrl+F.

man, Ive been screwing around with these console commands on my dedicated server! its been pretty fun...

Space Ninja edit: Why did I do that?

I would hate to be the guy who gets deleted, though a different note it might be a good way to deal with spammers

I would hate to be the guy who gets deleted, though a different note it might be a good way to deal with spammers

Thats already on there its been there for a long time.

I would hate to be the guy who gets deleted, though a different note it might be a good way to deal with spammers
I like this one better:

pops them back to a spawnpoint.  If you have multiple spawnpoints on your map, you can do this repeatedly and they will jump from point to point

I realize this is merely a more specific implementation of something already added, but it's a fun twist. You can make anybody appear to say anything in chat thusly:

MessageAll('msgadminforce', "\c3Blocky: \c6I'm a little teapot!");

The name tag is yellow, followed by a colon and a space, and the text is white. It's indistinguishable from regular chat. It's an easy way to make your NPC/bots talk in game. I only wish bots had their names above their heads like players.

I realize this is merely a more specific implementation of something already added, but it's a fun twist. You can make anybody appear to say anything in chat thusly:

MessageAll('msgadminforce', "\c3Blocky: \c6I'm a little teapot!");

The name tag is yellow, followed by a colon and a space, and the text is white. It's indistinguishable from regular chat. It's an easy way to make your NPC/bots talk in game. I only wish bots had their names above their heads like players.

Im pretty sure you can name Bots just like you can name vehicles. But you have to use events.

WebCom_PostServer(); -Reposts to the master server
$Pref::Server::MaxPlayers = <amount>; -Changes the max amount of players on the server (Server must be dedicated)

dumpActivePackages() - Creates a list of packages that are currently activated using activatePackage(x).

kickBLID(blid of player);

banBLID(blid of player, ban time in minutes, reason);

Kind of fun, kicking/banning random people. :D

Isnt there a cmd to change your consoles name? Instead of just seeing CONSOLE
Code: [Select]
Messageall('',"<bitmap:base/client/ci/ui/lag_icon.png><color:ffffff>: [InsertMessage]");This let's you talk as the Lag Icon.