Author Topic: RTB Development  (Read 333528 times)


resize/shift objects
some way of transmitting GUI profile datas
some way of transmitting Admin GUI-style lists and getting list selected/text just read the stored procedures thing, maybe a few automatic ones like "list of players in server"?
some way of transmitting Server Control-style lists and retrieving values
if not the above, some way of creating new objects and adding them to groups
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 11:49:04 AM by Space Guy »

Creating new gui controls on-the-fly is something I'm aiming to avoid. You should be able to figure out what kind of controls you'll need in the gui as the server starts so you can create a .gui file as part of that and have that get sent to clients.

I was thinking of something like the Team Deathmatch minigame options - they change per-gamemode and per-minigame so I can't use Server Control directly but creating a similar list would be helpful.

Could each minigame create a hidden control that contains all the settings for that minigame? You could then just unhide/hide each one when necessary.

Otherwise I suppose some sort of monster stored procedure could be made to create an options list, then another stored procedure to populate it.

Also, Does anyone have any ideas for how to allow a server to set temporary keybindings for guis? As in, how do you present this option to the client, do they get to pick they keybind etc.

Possibly, but sending something like "Points per Flag" TAB "int -10000 10000 0" would be easier on bandwidth than sending loads of very similar GUI controls, plus it makes the RTB/events-like system more standard.

Also as a request, clicking buttons or choosing options from lists etc. calling stored procedures,

You could keybinding by opening a GUI while loading or just after spawning with a list of things the server recommends you bind to a key(Limited to GUI opening and server commands). It could be saved with the server you bound it on so when you go back there, it will already be bound for you. Maybe also have an option to not bind a certain function if the user so chooses.

Allow up to five keybinds under Options/Controls which the server can set to perform one of the stored procedures sent by the server. For instance, the server sends RTB_registerProcedureKeybind("View RPG Stats","toggleRPGStats");. A message could be shown (either from RTB when you spawn or the server by events etc.) "View RPG Stats - <key:RTB_toggleRPGStats>". Perhaps a list of stored procedure names recieved could be kept on the client, and instead of using the automatic 1,2,3,4,5 keybinds you can set specific ones to a bind. For instance, "toggleRPGStats" always bound to Ctrl+M for easy access.

It'd be awesome if the "Groups" option was released soon.
Also, will players be able to edit groups via the menu?

The menu?  You'll have to be more specific when asking questions.

Groups are edited on the my mods section of the mod manager.

I've added a mock-up of the buddy list to the main post:


I've added a mock-up of the buddy list to the main post:

Looking nice, ephi. Is there an option to auto-ignore friend requests? I can see maybe not me, but someone more popular would get frequently spammed with friend requests and it'd get pretty annoying to ignore them all.

There will be privacy settings - e.g. "Ignore from people not on my build/full trust list"

I've added a mock-up of the buddy list to the main post:

Isn't that the same one from the old post?  Hopefully it's all running soon.

Yeah it's an old mock-up. Things are getting hairy because there are lots of requirements for this service that the lightweight server I've got doesn't cater to - so I've had to learn java super fast and make a bunch of server modifications which are still ongoing. Mainly to allow the server to store your current location, name and all that jazz. I've made good headway on turning that mock-up into a functioning gui control though.

Still trying to raise zombie Mocheeze from his earthly tomb, that's proving to be the hardest task!

Just as a heads-up, RTB4 is going to be a really long release. I'm going to be squeezing gui manipulation and RTB Connect into it - along with a bunch of bug fixes and Mod Manager optimisations. The delay will be peppered with small 3.X releases to fix existing bugs.

Do users who get privilege to do download private add-ons get notified?