Author Topic: 9/11  (Read 11188 times)

Because we love to hear this stuff, makes us happy.

Edit: I got the colors wrong D:
Its the other way around.

Orly? New world. ._.

Your use of :D is some kind of indicator to your smugness and assurance of victory over me.
I must say that you certainly hurt my pride and damaged my reputation with your witty insult.

I sense some sort of word use catching on.

Perhaps it's because that word describes you perfectly?

Your use of :D is some kind of indicator to your smugness and assurance of victory over me.

I must say that you certainly hurt my pride and damaged my reputation with your witty insult.

Lol, you quote-failed.

And, your kinda funny, with your nice little insults and not a single use of forget, idiot, or jackass. I like you.

Lol, you quote-failed.
Nope, you just failed to see it was a continuation of what I was saying. See, instead of providing counter points to what (little) I said you are just picking through my posts for small things to attack that have nothing to with the argument (You are quite bad at this as well).

I was in 5th grade and didn't understand the magnitude right away, but certainly do now. I visited the site 3 years ago.

As far as you idiot flamers trying to piss people off: We don't say Never Forget,  to be stuck in the past, whine about bullies, or to lick our wounds.
I don't want America to forget because I think a lot of good came out of that tragedy. Of course it is horrible that so many people had to die, but look at the things we have been motivated to do because of it. Part of the reason I am proud to be an American is because we have NOT gotten stuck in the past, whined about bullies, or licked our wounds for 8 years.

Motivation for change coming at the cost of human life is horrible and tragic.

Forgetting about the price so many had to pay and the sacrifice so many more gave, to return to our apathetic and overweight lifestyles is unforgivable.

That is why I say Never Forget.

I was in 5th grade and didn't understand the magnitude right away, but certainly do now. I visited the site 3 years ago.

As far as you idiot flamers trying to piss people off: We don't say Never Forget,  to be stuck in the past, whine about bullies, or to lick our wounds.
I don't want America to forget because I think a lot of good came out of that tragedy. Of course it is horrible that so many people had to die, but look at the things we have been motivated to do because of it. Part of the reason I am proud to be an American is because we have NOT gotten stuck in the past, whined about bullies, or licked our wounds for 8 years.

Motivation for change coming at the cost of human life is horrible and tragic.

Forgetting about the price so many had to pay and the sacrifice so many more gave, to return to our apathetic and overweight lifestyles is unforgivable.

That is why I say Never Forget.

I like you now. Agreed to all extents.

I don't want America to forget because I think a lot of good came out of that tragedy.
Examples please.

Remember remember the 11th of september

Examples please.

Why do you want them. So you can trash his belief of why it should be remembered and the day be respected. It shows how stupid you are when you are disrespectful toward how many firefighters and regular people died that day.

Why do you want them. So you can trash his belief of why it should be remembered and the day be respected. It shows how stupid you are when you are disrespectful toward how many firefighters and regular people died that day.
Thank you kindly for attacking me for a belief I do not hold and an intent I did not state. You are a truly wonderful poster.

Everybody smoke some marijuana. Maybe that will "cheer" you up.

Everybody smoke some marijuana. Maybe that will "cheer" you up.
Marijuana is an illegal substance and smuggled/grown in this country illegally. The use of controlled substances grants power to the drug cartels and other criminal organizations that supply them. Thank you for your encouragement of activities that ruin the moral purity of our country and put us at risk from violent criminals.

Marijuana is an illegal substance and smuggled/grown in this country illegally. The use of controlled substances grants power to the drug cartels and other criminal organizations that supply them. Thank you for your encouragement of activities that ruin the moral purity of our country and put us at risk from violent criminals.

1st sensible thing you have said all day.

1st sensible thing you have said all day.
God damn you're handicapped.