Author Topic: 9/11  (Read 11187 times)

Mine did to and he did it through girted teeth because he was in the reserves but he survived AND he had a PURPLE HEART witch is a prestige medal and so what about the national socialists that was some meniacal group that was bent on killing jews yes i feel bad for the jews but Really this wasnt our problem we didnt attack the germans the japanese were our concern

I'm not saying over 200k human deaths is unimportant

Neither am I.

I'm saying that we should mourner both events, not just WWII.

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My opinions on 9/11:

In all honesty, I really don't care much about it. The attack on the world trade center wasn't really that bad considering how much worse it could have been. (Albeit, many things could have gone better.) I also have a few other (selfish) reasons for not really caring. For one, no one I know, or anyone that anyone I know knew for that matter, died in the attack. And for another, I was only in 1st or 2nd grade, meaning I did not fully understand what was going on and therefore, did not fully understand the magnitude of shock this event would send the U.S. into.

I would say more, but I cannot think of a way to word anything else without further insulting those who were well and truly affected by 9/11, and to those who lost someone they knew I apologize, but these are my feelings on this subject.
Gtfo? and why because you dont care about MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE?

Mine did to and he did it through girted teeth because he was in the reserves but he survived AND he had a PURPLE HEART witch is a prestige medal and so what about the national socialists that was some meniacal group that was bent on killing jews yes i feel bad for the jews but Really this wasnt our problem we didnt attack the germans the japanese were our concern
The Japanese were allied with the Germans and Italians.  Once involved, we had to see the war through to the end.  Besides, we had troops in Europe while we were fighting Japan.

Gtfo? and why because you dont care about MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE?
Chill dude. Like 5,000 people died. Not 1mil.
Not saying I don't care.
Stop jumping the gun at everyone.

True but why does this controversy have people that DONT CARE ABOUT 9/11 just like with any other off topic or drama topic or anything about other games: If you dont like it why waste the time to post on it? thats how i think of it

Mine did to and he did it through girted teeth because he was in the reserves but he survived AND he had a PURPLE HEART witch is a prestige medal and so what about the national socialists that was some meniacal group that was bent on killing jews yes i feel bad for the jews but Really this wasnt our problem we didnt attack the germans the japanese were our concern
mine won a purple heart 2 bronze metals and a 10 more

im jumping the gun because 3 of my loving relatives died -.-

I was too young to remember, but I have a little tibit of a memory. I was at home, watching the television and relaxing on the floor. My parents were sitting on the arm chair and Sofa...I think they were in shock. Flaming buildings on the News, I didntn know how to react. Infact, today at Social Studies we were talking about it. 8 years have gone by fast, It would be scary to be on the top..To wait for the fire to burn me slowly, or to jump out the building and die fast.

when i was in kindergarden this happened and 3 CLOSE relatives of mine died because of it

What the forget do they teach you kids about national socialist Germany? Really...

they to..... wait lets stay on topic here

What the forget do they teach you kids about national socialist Germany? Really...
i read horrible histories, bye guys im leaving this topic

when i was in kindergarden this happened and 3 CLOSE relatives of mine died because of it
Kay. Just stop over-reacting to everyone's opinions.

What the forget do they teach you kids about national socialist Germany? Really...
That national socialist's don't shoot people. They hand out free Schnitzels  :cookieMonster:

i read horrible histories, bye guys im leaving this topic
Don't let Doorman hit you on the way out. (c wut i did thar)