Author Topic: Diggy's Metropolis Server  (Read 295302 times)

We know that you're "still on the server", but as long as you're not being a complete moron in your attempt to remain incognito, I really don't give a damn.
Oh This one says i can stay as long as i remian uncomplaied about.

  You're not allowed.  Once I find out about your alt/spy, I'm getting rid of that, too.  I just don't give a damn about it if you're not causing problems, however you inevitably will.
this one says i cant stay  and i dint know what inevitably ment so i found out. and what u say is that your pre banning my alt before i get complained about?  Dont assume im going to get complaied about, because so far my alt has been hidden for as long as i have been playing.

Well now thats not being very nice. before i get complained about you want to RE-ban me?  Why cant yout think of it as a unbanning and i get a secound chance?

Well now thats not being very nice. before i get complained about you want to RE-ban me?  Why cant yout think of it as a unbanning and i get a secound chance?
The only reason your alt remains not complained about is because you're trying to keep it a secret so you don't really act up much.

Also, you're not getting unbanned, esp:
All hamster did by spam connecting is actually piss me off so now I dont want him unbanned at all, before I didn't really care either way.

If it makes you feel any more victimized, which in your case would probably make you feel better, you are now banned on the account that we don't like you.  Happy?  Have a nice loving day.

o.o wow sumbodys grumpy..   but do remember im not banned im still there o.o OH! and if u did not read it from the post up there ^^^ Iv had the alts seince i joined diggys.. you never found out and you still wont find out witch names they are.

God, you're stupid hamster, in many ways we can find out who you are.

Like what?:p
hamster alt? even though you were on the server long before him if I remember correctly

I really don't think hamster has an alt -.-  considering he keeps saying: since my alt has not been noticed i can be goood!! So un ban meee! -.-

hamster alt? even though you were on the server long before him if I remember correctly
. Well i don't want hamster back on server realy.  He doesent deserve to be om the server.                             PS._. Mistrox  here :D

Well if i dont have a alt, ask fob and jasa a few questions about how i know what they were doing :D

Well if i dont have a alt, ask fob and jasa a few questions about how i know what they were doing :D
.  Ham just gtfo diggy 's server and let us be happy

well actually if you never saw i had another youd be happy. so my alt is invisable to your eyes seince you have no idea who.

well actually if you never saw i had another youd be happy. so my alt is invisable to your eyes seince you have no idea who.

Yush! my last words were "Ill be back" and i got back!!!! :D im happy now

If you want the whole story of how i did get back for thoes few minutes of fun :D
ask the people on the server when i told nill about it. :D

Oh btw nills not nice :( he said he i would not be banned after i told him... but he did.. OH well! at least i came back with my last words :D.. YUSH!

 i has pics :D click em from first to last for the way of my enterance :D     Start   my deal to get on.  Im in! win!!!!!   

IF you are lost on this whole issue. i was banned and then complaied to get back.. i soon starting iring people about the chat ingame and there actions in game... they found out i had a spy/alt.... after getting this whole thing started nil said hed ban my alt or spy so id be gone for good.. we made a deal and i got on and told him half offline and the rest online... But I told him i had no alt... and

then i told nil my half of the deal telling him i could see the chat by connecting and then dissconnecting my internet.... First off.. how can i see it while im frozen with no internet... the hell does dissconnecting my internet do anything usefull for me :D annnddd he belived me :D    Now im rebanned because after nill promised not to get me rebanned after i told.. i was banned... sooo.. anyways.. It worked and i got on after saying ill be back.. and i was! plus it worked long enough for me to confuse a bunch of people with my random dissconnecting internet thing.. :D  i love being smart... ANYHOW i am still on the server and i still aint telling who i am..

You can try for yourself... dissconnecting the internet while banning and clicking connect then connecting.. does not get you any chat what so ever.... idk how he went with that... :D    im happy now.. see you on my alt!  woot!

WIN! not a fail.    i am happy now :D

« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:01:08 PM by hamster »

Hamster dilemma solved.  (That red line is a point where I crashed)

Shots of the rest of the actual chat is next:

Sorry about the longass post.
So basically, Hamster exploited something with connection to servers to see our chat.  End of story.

Also, Ham, I said I wouldn't ban you.  Skele never made a promise.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:00:16 PM by Niliscro »